
Lophophora williamsii


  1. 路一 藤田, 秀治 糸川, 順子 井上(旧姓岡), 芳正 野津, 夏江 後藤, and 和子 長谷川, “Research on the Basic Components of Kobukito Hadama,” 藥學雜誌, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 482–489, 1972. doi: 10.1248/yakushi1947.92.4_482.
    From Lophophora williamsii var. caespitosa, pellotine, anhalidine, anhalonidine, and anhalamine were obtained as phenolic alkaloids, and lophophorine was isolated as a nonphenolic alkaloid, which all belong to the tetrahydroisoquinoline system. A kind of betaine-type yellow components, anhalotine (=Y1=I), Y2 (II), Y3 (III), and peyotine (=Y4=IV) were isolated. They were the derivatives of 6, 7-dimethoxy-3, 4-dihydro-8-hydroxy isoquinolinium innersalt. Similar types of tautomerism were found in I and IV, and they had pKa 6.0 and 6.5, respectively. Another type of tautomerism was found in II and III. II had pKa1 5.6 and pKa2 10.9, and III had pKa1 6.7 and pKa2 11.4.
  2. H. F. Abud, M. de S. Pereira, N. R. Gonçalves, D. de S. Pereira, and A. M. E. Bezerra, “Germination and Morphology of Fruits, Seeds and Plants of Cereus Jamacaru DC,” Journal of Seed Science, vol. 35, pp. 310–315, 2013.
    This work aimed to evaluate the germination and morphology of fruits, seeds and description of plant growth stages of mandacaru. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of combinations of two light conditions and three temperature regimes. A daily count of the number of germinated seeds was performed until the 16th day after sowing in order to determine the percentage, speed and time of germination. External and internal aspects were considered for the morphological description. The germination and the development of plants were evaluated for 150 days and featured eight stages of growth, based on morphological differentiation. The fruit has 154,66 ± 40,01 g mass, 82,26 ± 5,78 mm length, 62,63 ± 6,63 mm diameter and 1439 ± 189,78 seeds. The temperature of 25 °C under a photoperiod of 12 h provides the highest rate of seed germination and the seeds behave as neutral photoblastic. The germination is epigeal and fanerocotyledonary. The growth is slow and after 150 days of sowing the plant presents epicotyl with a large amount of thorns, where the whole plant is 325.30 mm in length.
  3. E. F. Anderson, “The Biogeography, Ecology, and Taxonomy of Lophophora (Cactaceae),” Brittonia, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 299–310, Oct. 1969. doi: 10.2307/2805756.
    Lophophora, commonly called peyote, has an extensive range within the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas and Mexico. Selected sites were studied and growth characteristics, soils, associated plants, and climate are described. The genus consists of two species,L. williamsii andL. diffusa. The former is both wide-ranging and highly variable morphologically, whereas the latter consists of a single, fairly small population restricted to an area in the state of Querétaro. Synonymy and types are discussed, and a key to the species is included with the descriptions.
  4. S. Aparecida de Oliveira, M. de Fátima Pires da Silva Machado, A. José Prioli, and C. Aparecida Mangolin, “In Vitro Propagation ofCereus Peruvianus Mill. (Cactaceae),” In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 47–50, Jan. 1995. doi: 10.1007/BF02632226.
    Cereus peruvianus seedlings were used as a source of stem explants to determine the effective conditions for inducing and maintaining callus tissues in a state of rapid growth, as well as to obtain plants regenerated from callus cultures. Factorial combinations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin in MS medium were tested, and we concluded that the 18.1µM 2,4-D and 18.6 or 27.9µM kinetin combinations were suitable for callus induction. The cactus shoots were produced from the friable callus; root elongation occurred within 2 wk in medium without 2,4-D and with 18.6µM kinetin. This method can be used to rapidly produce manyC. peruvianus plants.
  5. M. Aragane et al., “Peyote Identification on the Basis of Differences in Morphology, Mescaline Content, and trnL/trnF Sequence between Lophophora Williamsii and L. Diffusa,” Journal of Natural Medicines, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 103–110, Jan. 2011. doi: 10.1007/s11418-010-0469-7.
    Genus Lophophora (Cactaceae) has two species: Lophophora williamsii Coulter, which is called peyote, and L. diffusa Bravo. Although it was reported that L. williamsii contained mescaline and L. diffusa did not, we found L. williamsii specimens that did not contain mescaline. This finding indicated that the two species could not be differentiated in terms of mescaline content. Moreover, the relationship between mescaline content and morphology of the two species is also unknown. In this study, we attempted to clarify the difference in morphology, mescaline content, and DNA alignment of the chloroplast trnL/trnF region between L. williamsii and L. diffusa. As a result, L. williamsii specimens were classified into two groups. Group 1 had small protuberances on the epidermis, contained mescaline, and the analyzed region on the trnL/trnF sequence was 881 base pairs (bp) long in all except one (877 bp). Group 2 had large protuberances on the epidermis, did not contain mescaline, and the analyzed region was 893 bp long. On the other hand, L. diffusa had medium-sized protuberances on the epidermis, did not contain mescaline, and the analyzed region was 903 bp long. Also investigated was the potential application of the PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method as a means of identification based on the trnL/trnF sequence. By applying the PCR–RFLP method, the two species could be distinguished and L. williamsii specimens could be differentiated into group 1 and group 2.
  6. O. Badalamenti, A. Carra, E. Oddo, F. Carimi, and M. Sajeva, “Is in Vitro Micrografting a Possible Valid Alternative to Traditional Micropropagation in Cactaceae? Pelecyphora Aselliformis as a Case Study,” SpringerPlus, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 201, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1901-6.
    Several taxa of Cactaceae are endangered by overcollection for commercial purposes, and most of the family is included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). Micropropagation may play a key role to keep the pressure off wild populations and contribute to ex situ conservation of endangered taxa. One of the limits of micropropagation is the species-specific requirement of plant regulators for each taxon and sometimes even for different genotypes. With the micrografting technique the rootstock directly provides the scion with the necessary hormonal requirements. In this paper we present data on in vitro grafting of Pelecyphora aselliformis Ehrenberg, an Appendix I CITES listed species critically endangered and sought after by the horticultural trade, on micropropagated Opuntia ficus-indica Miller. Apical and sub-apical scions of P. aselliformis were used to perform micrografting with a successful rate of 97 and 81 % respectively. Survival rate after ex vivo transfer was 85 %. We hypothesize that this method could be applied to other endangered, slow growing taxa of Cactaceae thus contributing to the conservation of this endangered family.
  7. D. Barrios, J. A. Sánchez, J. Flores, and E. Jurado, “Seed Traits and Germination in the Cactaceae Family: A Review across Americas,” Botanical Sciences, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 417–440, Jul. 2020. doi: 10.17129/botsci.2501.
    Background: Cactaceae is the fifth taxonomic group with the highest proportion of threatened species and among the angiosperms, the most vulnerable to human disturbance. One way to contribute to the preservation of this family is to understand the processes that promote seed germination. Questions: Have the relationship between seed traits and cactus germination been documented? How common is dormancy and seed banks in Cactaceae? Are there general patterns in cacti germination response to temperature, light, water, salinity, phytohormones, hydration/dehydration cycles, mechanical or chemical scarification? Data description: A total of 333 studies on cactus germination with information on 409 taxa. Study site and dates: since 1939 to January 2020. Methods: A search of scientific articles in Google Scholar was performed with the words Cactaceae, cacti and cactus, in combination with various matters on germination in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Results: The main germination studies in cactus deal with photoblasticism (275 taxa), temperature (205 taxa) and seed longevity (142 taxa). Other lines of study in cactus germination (e.g., desiccation tolerance, vivipary, phytohormones, mechanical or chemical scarification, in vitro germination, hydration/dehydration cycles, water and saline stress, serotiny, storage in cold, high temperature tolerance and soil seed bank) include between 14 and 65 taxa. Cacti have only physiological dormancy and optimal germination for most species occur between 20 and 30 °C. Photoblasticism is strongly influenced by phylogeny with 80.9 % positive photoblastic species. Conclusions: Mexico, Brazil and Argentina are the three leading countries in the study of cactus germination.
  8. R. Becker, “Polinização e Biologia Reprodutiva Em Cereus Hildmannianus K. Schum. E Pereskia Aculeata Mill. (CACTACEAE),” PhD thesis, 2020.
    Cactaceae é um grupo endêmico do continente americano e adaptado a ambientes áridos e semiáridos, porém pode ocorrer em diversas formações naturais devido à sua variada diversidade morfológica. Tal diversidade morfológica se reflete em diferentes estratégias reprodutivas e de atração dos polinizadores. Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum. e Pereskia aculeata Mill. são os representantes mais comuns de suas respectivas tribos na flora do Rio Grande do Sul. Ambas as espécies apresentam potencial econômico subestimado, podendo ser facilmente cultivadas já que possuem propriedades alimentícias, medicinais e ornamentais. O cultivo de espécies nativas da flora requer um maior entendimento das estratégias reprodutivas e interações interespecíficas de polinização nas quais estas plantas estão envolvidas. Cereus hildmannianus é um cacto colunar de hábito arborescente que possui antese noturna e é dependente da polinização exclusiva de mariposas da família Sphingidae, que promovem a xenogamia, sendo praticamente autoincompatível. Testes de germinação mostraram que as sementes de Cereus hildmannianus têm como temperatura ótima de germinação 25° C, na qual demonstra maior índice de germinabilidade e menor sincronia. Já Pereskia aculeta é uma espécie cedodivergente dentro de Cactaceae, apresentando a morfologia e a fisiologia de caráter plesiomórfico. As flores são diurnas e a espécie é autocompatível, apresentando algum grau de incompatibilidade xenogâmica entre morfotipos diferentes. É polinizador-dependente e atrai majoritariamente abelhas nativas da tribo Meliponini, podendo também ser polinizada por outros grupos de abelhas, coleópteros e vespas que se alimentam ou coletam o pólen, evidenciando uma especialização ecológica.
  9. R. Becker, L. D. Ri, R. Farias-Singer, and R. B. Singer, “Unveiling the Germination Requirements for Cereus Hildmannianus (Cactaceae), a Potential New Crop from Southern and Southeastern Brazil,” Acta Botanica Brasilica, vol. 34, pp. 765–771, Mar. 2021. doi: 10.1590/0102-33062020abb0263.
    ABSTRACT Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum is a columnar cactus native to South and Southeast Brazil. The cultivation of this species seems justifiable for several reasons: its fruits are spineless and edible; it is not threatened with extinction; it naturally occurs in Pampa and Atlantic Forest under non-xeric conditions that may be unsuitable for the cultivation of other tropical cacti; and the plants are pollinator-dependent and so should benefit from native pollinators. This study aimed to test seed germination of C. hildmannianus with samples collected at three different localities in southern Brazil, as a necessary step preceding any attempts of management and domestication. Seeds were exposed to temperatures of 20° C, 25° C, 30° C and room temperature. The germinability, average germination time and synchronization index were calculated. All samples showed higher germinability at 20° C and 25° C. Seeds from Caçapava do Sul and Santiago showed significant variation in the synchronization index at 25° C and 30° C, respectively. Seeds from Porto Alegre had maximum germinability, indicating greater vigor. Our results show that the seeds of C. hildmannianus germinate well and thrive within a wide range of temperatures and that cultivation of the species from seed-raised plants should not be problematic.
  10. bobcollege, “Shout out to u/Altitude-Consulting 🌵💚,” r/mescaline. May-2023.
  11. N. H. Boke and E. F. Anderson, “Structure, Development, and Taxonomy in the Genus Lophophora,” American Journal of Botany, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 569–578, May 1970. doi: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1970.tb09850.x.
    Structural and developmental data indicate that Lophophora (Cactaceae) should be retained as a genus, which appears to be most closely related to Thelocactus (sensu lato). Within Lophophora morphological differences suggest that two species should be recognized. In the extensive northern population (Texas along the Río Grande to San Luis Potosí in Mexico) the tubercles are usually arranged as distinct ribs or elevated podaria, whereas in the restricted southern population (limited to the Mexican State of Querétaro) podaria and ribs are poorly developed or lacking and there are also differences in pollen structure. We believe that these two populations should be recognized as distinct species, L. williamsii and L. diffusa, respectively. We further believe that the latter represents the ancestral type.
  12. T. H. Boyle and A. Idnurm, “Physiology and Genetics of Self-Incompatibility in Echinopsis Chamaecereus (Cactaceae),” Sexual Plant Reproduction, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 323–327, Jul. 2001. doi: 10.1007/s004970100073.
    The self-incompatibility (SI) system of a geophytic cactus (Echinopsis chamaecereus Friedrich & G. Rowley) was examined in a series of experiments. Pollination tests indicated that E. chamaecereus is an obligate outbreeding species with a functional SI system. Incompatible matings were characterized by stylar inhibition of pollen tube growth and lack of fruit set. Two S1 seedlings were recovered when plants of one clone were exposed to 42°C for 16 h and flowers were selfed immediately after incubation. The two S1 seedlings and the parental (S0) clone were crossed in a full diallel. Results were consistent with a one-locus, gametophytic SI system with two different S alleles. Disturbed segregation at isozyme locus Lap-1 was attributed to close linkage with the S locus (recombination frequency = 11±8%). This is the second report of close linkage between Lap-1 and S in the Cactaceae.
  13. R. BREGMAN and F. BOUMAN, “Seed Germination in Cactaceae,” Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 357–374, Jun. 1983. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1983.tb00977.x.
    The mode of germination of representatives of 89 genera of the Cactaceae, 4 genera of Portulacaceae and 1 genus of Phytolaccaceae was studied. Most of the species of the Cactaceae germinate by means of a seed lid (operculum). In the Cactaceae studied 11 kinds of germination could be distinguished, 3 of which were with, and 8 without, operculum formation.Opercula are restricted in their occurrence to the subfamilies Cactoideae (Cereoideae) and Pereskioideae and are not found in the subfamily Opuntioideae. Within the subfamily Cactoideae operculum formation was found to occur in all tribes and in all investigated subtribes. Opercula were also found in two genera of the related family of the Portulacaceae. In the Phytolaccaceae no operculum formation was observed.
  14. M. I. Briseño-Sánchez, C. Martínez-Peralta, and M. C. Mandujano, “Population Structure and Reproductive Biology of Peyote (Lophophora Diffusa, Cactaceae), a Threatened Species with Pollen Limitation1,2,” The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, vol. 147, no. 3, pp. 243–257, Nov. 2020. doi: 10.3159/TORREY-D-18-00055.1.
    Threatened species frequently have a J-shaped population structure, which indicates a reduction in seed set and poor or nonexistent recruitment. Altered population structures may be due to disrupted demographic processes that result in low reproductive success or small population size. Peyote—Lophophora diffusa Croizat (Bravo)—is a rare, threatened cactus species that is subject to overexploitation because of psychedelic tourism and medicinal and religious uses that decrease its effective population size. We analyzed peyote population structure and identified attributes of its reproductive biology that may limit population persistence. The population’s size structure (based on plant size in square centimeters) was determined by census in 2014 and 2015 (n = 420 individuals). Determination of the breeding system of peyote was based on floral morphology and evaluation of herkogamy, dichogamy, and pollen/ovule ratio, and controlled pollination experiments were used to determine the outcrossing rate and whether the species was pollen limited. Additionally, behavior and frequency of floral visitors were recorded to establish the pollinator guild. Peyote’s population structure showed the presence of seedlings, juveniles, and adults in both years, indicating some recruitment and low adult mortality. Flowers were herkogamous, homogamous, and diurnal, with a 2-day longevity and high pollen/ovule ratios. These floral traits suggest that peyote is xenogamous, and pollination experiments indicated that it is a facultative outcrossing species, which needs pollinators to set fruit. The time of pistil receptivity coincided with the maximum activity of floral visitors (small solitary bees and small beetles) searching for floral rewards. Evidence indicates that peyote has an outcrossing system with partial self-incompatibility and is pollen limited. Positive factors, such as moderate seedling recruitment, a similar population structure during the two study periods, and a large number of reproductive individuals (close to 50%), indicate natural regeneration and increase the likelihood of population persistence. However, low fruit set and strong dependence upon efficient pollinators reduce reproductive success and increase species vulnerability.
  15. J. G. Bruhn, P. A. G. M. De Smet, H. R. El-Seedi, and O. Beck, “Mescaline Use for 5700 Years,” The Lancet, vol. 359, no. 9320, p. 1866, May 2002. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)08701-9.
  16. J. G. Bruhn, J.-E. Lindgren, B. Holmstedt, and J. M. Adovasio, “Peyote Alkaloids: Identification in a Prehistoric Specimen of Lophophora from Coahuila, Mexico,” Science, Mar. 1978. doi: 10.1126/science.199.4336.1437.
    Mescaline, anhalonine, lophophorine, pellotine, and anhalonidine have been identified in alkaloid extracts of a prehistoric specimen of Lophophora from a burial cave in west central Coahuila, Mexico. The specimen is associated with radiocarbon ...
  17. V. J. Cenizo, “Efectos de la luz, temperatura y disponibilidad de agua en la germinación de Trichocereus candicans (Cactaceae),” 2012.
    La creciente expansión de las actividades antrópicas en regiones áridas y semiáridas afecta a las poblaciones de cactáceas nativas. En nuestro país, la escasa información acerca de la biología de estas especies dificulta la implementación de planes de conservación de las mismas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar los requerimientos germinativos y el desarrollo de la plántula de Trichocereus candicans (Cactaceae), una especie de amplia distribución en la Argentina. Se evaluaron los efectos de la luz, la temperatura y la disponibilidad hídrica sobre la germinación. Además se realizó la caracterización morfo-anatómica de las plántulas en las primeras etapas de su desarrollo. Los resultados mostraron que T. candicans requiere temperaturas alrededor de 25ºC, luz y alta disponibilidad de humedad para germinar. Esta información acerca de la ecofisiología de la especie será de utilidad en estudios de propagación ex situ y podrá utilizarse en planes de manejo y conservación.
  18. S. Cha-um, T. Samphumphuang, and C. Kirdmanee, “Morphological and Physio-Biochemical Changes of in Vitro Cactus (Echinopsis Calochlora) in Responses to Salt Stress,” p. 7.
  19. C. B. Chan, C. B. M. Poulie, S. S. Wismann, J. Soelberg, and J. L. Kristensen, “The Alkaloids from Lophophora Diffusa and Other ‘False Peyotes,’” Journal of Natural Products, vol. 84, no. 8, pp. 2398–2407, Aug. 2021. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00381.
    Commonly, false peyote refers to Lophophora diffusa. However, several other unrelated cacti go by this colloquial name. They either resemble “true” peyote, Lophophora williamsii, or are found in similar habitats. To date, over 40 different alkaloids have been isolated from the Lophophora genus. Of these, only the pharmacological actions of mescaline (1) have been extensively investigated. The major alkaloid in L. diffusa is pellotine (2), a tetrahydroisoquinoline (THIQ), which was briefly marketed as a sleeping aid around the beginning of the 20th century, following reports of its hypnotic properties in humans. Pharmacological experiments with the Lophophora THIQs were performed at the turn of the 20th century, whereas the chemical synthesis was not realized until several decades later. The biosynthetic pathways of the main Lophophora alkaloids were reported at the end of the 1960s. In this review, the relationship of the different “false peyotes” to L. williamsii, in regard to their alkaloid content, the bio- and chemical synthesis of the most relevant alkaloids, and their corresponding pharmacology will be outlined and discussed.
  20. A. L. Cheib and Q. S. Garcia, “Longevity and Germination Ecology of Seeds of Endemic Cactaceae Species from High-Altitude Sites in South-Eastern Brazil,” Seed Science Research, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 45–53, Mar. 2012. doi: 10.1017/S0960258511000298.
    The influence of light and temperature on germination behaviour and the longevity of seeds were evaluated in four taxa of the genus Arthrocereus (Cactaceae). Germination experiments were conducted at six constant temperatures with a 12-h photoperiod and in continuous darkness. For in situ storage tests, the seeds were buried in the soil where the species naturally occur, and germination experiments were performed for 14 months. Seeds were also stored dry at room temperature in the laboratory for 12 months. The results indicated that, in spite of the variations between the four taxa studied, there is a consistent pattern in their germination behaviour. The seeds are small, with an absolute requirement of light for germination. In the presence of light, we obtained high germinability at temperatures between 20 and 30°C and low germination percentages at 10, 15 and 35°C. This behaviour may represent an adaptive mechanism during seasons when environmental conditions in open rocky fields are not favourable for seedling survival. In general, germination was relatively slow, which would favour establishment during the rainy season. Dry storage did not significantly alter seed germination behaviour, and buried seeds, likewise, remained viable and retained high germination percentages. We can therefore infer that the seeds of the species studied here are able to form persistent soil seed-banks. All studied species are threatened with extinction, so their ability to form soil seed-banks, together with the possibility of ex situ seed preservation, will possibly give support for future conservation efforts.
  21. C. Cortés-Olmos, G. Gurrea-Ysasi, J. Prohens, A. Rodríguez-Burruezo, and A. Fita, “In Vitro Germination and Growth Protocols of the Ornamental Lophophora Williamsii (Lem.) Coult. as a Tool for Protecting Endangered Wild Populations,” Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 237, pp. 120–127, Jul. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2018.03.064.
    Lophophora williamsii is an ornamental slow growth cactus highly appreciated by cacti growers and hobbyists. Its demand is often satisfied through illegal collection of wild plants and many populations are threatened with extinction. Thus, an efficient in vitro protocol without plant growth regulators will be of great interest for conservation purposes of this cactus. Eight different germination media, combining Murashige and Skoog medium (MS, full and half-strength), sucrose (20 and 30 g L−1) and agar (8 and 10 g L−1), were used to study germination rate, number of seedlings with areoles and initial seedling development. Germination rates among culture media only differed significantly in the first 14 days after sowing (DAS), reaching 67–75% at the end of the assay (49 DAS). Remarkable interactions among media components were detected, and 20 g L−1 sucrose and 8 g L−1 agar combination gave the highest performance for both size and number of areoles. Following germination assay, a growth assay was conducted during 105 days using three growth media (GrM) at different sucrose concentration (15, 30 and 45 g L−1) to evaluate the increase in seedling size and number of areoles. Regardless of their initial size, 15 g L−1 sucrose provided the best results for both traits. Size increase was higher in the 4–5 mm seedling group, while increase in areoles was greater in 2-3 mm seedlings. It was possible to develop an in vitro protocol, in absence of plant growth regulators, which allows maximizing L. williamsii germination and growth during its first stages of development, which may increase the availability of plants in the market and avoid exhaustion of wild populations. Furthermore, plants grown ex situ could be reintroduced in endangered natural populations.
  22. J. Coulter, “Preliminary Revision Of The North American Species Of Cactus, Anhalonium, And Lophophora...,” undefined, 2006.
    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Preliminary Revision Of The North American Species Of Cactus, Anhalonium, And Lophophora..." by J. Coulter
  23. É. da Silva Santos, A. J. Braz de Oliveira, M. de Fátima Pires da Silva Machado, C. A. Mangolin, and R. A. Correia Gonçalves, “Cereus Hildmannianus (K.) Schum. (Cactaceae): Ethnomedical Uses, Phytochemistry and Biological Activities,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 264, p. 113339, Jan. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113339.
    Ethnopharmacological relevance Cereus hildmannianus (K.) Schum. (syn. C. peruvianus) is a native medicinal plant in the Neotropical region. C. hildmannianus cladodes extracts are used in folk medicine for weight loss, reducing cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, as diuretic and cardiotonic, and to treat various diseases, including pulmonary disorders, rheumatism, and in topical treatment for wounds and lithiasis. Fruits and flowers of C. hildmmanianus have high nutritional value. Aim of the review: In this review, previous reports on C. hildmannianus (syn. C. peruvianus) concerning its botanical description, geographical distribution, ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry, in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties, food benefits and plant biotechnology were summarized. Materials and methods Scientific search engines, including ScienceDirect, Capes Journals Portal, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo, and Scifinder, were consulted to gather data on C. hildmannianus. The present review is an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of phytochemical compounds, ethnomedicinal uses, phytopharmacological activities, and food value of cladodes, flowers, fruits, seeds, and tissue culture from C. hildmannianus. Results In traditional medicine, C. hildmannianus is used to treat various diseases, including pulmonary disorders, rheumatism, and in topical treatment for wounds and lithiasis. The extracts from the cladodes of C. hildmannianus exhibited numerous in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activities such as gastroprotective, antioxidant, antifungal, ovicidal, hemagglutinating and slimming, and anticancer activity. These extracts’ substances belong to different classes of chemical compounds such as fatty acids, polysaccharides, terpenes, alkaloids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids Conclusions Ethnomedicinal surveys have indicated the use of C. hildmannianus, an important medicinal plant in South America, for the treatment of various diseases. The ethnobotanical, phytochemical, pharmacological, and ethnomedicinal properties from various morphological parts of the plant of C. hildmannianus were highlighted in this review, which provides information for future studies, commercial exploration and reveals that this plant has a huge potential for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications.
  24. V. M. de Carvalho, C. A. Mangolin, and M. F. P. S. Machado, “Seed Germination of the Cereus Peruvianus Mill. (Cactaceae) Somaclones Follows a Relatively Simple Protocol,” Seed Science and Technology, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 595–600, Oct. 2008. doi: 10.15258/sst.2008.36.3.09.
    Seed germination of Cereus peruvianus Mill. (C. hildmannianus K. Schum.) somaclones is important to generate plants containing genetic diversity induced by in vitro regeneration The germination of somaclone seeds and seeds collected from plants of natural population were evaluated for their response to acid scarification, presoaking in water, incubation at low and high temperatures, and imbibition in gibberellic acid. The effect of pre-soaking seeds on germination performance when germinated in vitro, was positive for both seeds from wild and somaclone plants. High and low temperatures also benefited germination of seed from somaclones when germinated in gerboxes, but previous exposure to 100°C was not favourable to in vitro seeds germination. Seeds germinated best in gerboxes. Acid scarification was only effective when seeds from wild plants were germinated in gerboxes and the addition of GA3 did not promote higher germination. In this study, the pre-treatment that successfully improved germination of seed from somaclones and wild plants of C. peruvianus was a 24 hour pre-soak in water.
  25. J. S. de Faria-Tavares, P. G. Martin, C. A. Mangolin, S. A. de Oliveira-Collet, and M. de F. P. S. Machado, “Genetic Relationships among Accessions of Mandacaru (Cereus Spp.: Cactaceae) Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP),” Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, vol. 48, pp. 12–19, Jun. 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.bse.2012.11.013.
    Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to evaluate the genetic diversity at the DNA level of mandacaru (genus Cereus) and to differentiate between 17 accessions grown in different regions of Brazil. The six primer pairs used amplified 348 AFLP markers, of which 282 (81%) were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic fragments ranged from 62.5% for the primer combination E-AAC × M-CAG to 91.7% for E-ACT × M-CAC. The largest number of informative markers (67) was detected using the primer combination E-ACA × M-CAG, while the E-AGC × M-CTC combination revealed the lowest number of polymorphic fragments (46) in the mandacaru plantlets. The Nei’s identity value between the accessions of mandacaru was 0.6348–0.8343 for plants from the Southern and Northeastern regions, 0.6348–0.6529 between accessions from the Southwestern and Northeastern regions, and 0.6193–0.6944 between accessions from the Southern and Southwestern regions. The similarity among the Southern, Northeastern, and Southwestern regions indicates that the plants of the three regions may be different species of the Cereus genus: Cereus peruvianus or Cereus repandus (Southern region), Cereus jamacaru (Northeastern region), and Cereus hildmaniannus (Southwestern region). Alternatively, the accessions may belong to one species in the process of speciation.
  26. O. Díaz Segura, “Dinámica poblacional de Lophophora diffusa ‘peyote’ (Cactaceae) en una localidad del Estado de Querétaro.” Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Sep-2013.
    El peyote queretano, Lophophora diffusa (Croizat) Bravo, es una especie amenazada y miceoendémica del semidesierto Queretano. Se presentan los datos de la población “Ermita” (Cadereyta de Montes, Qro.) estudiada durante dos años, así como la evaluación del estado de riesgo de la especie (MER). La densidad poblacional fue de 0.03 ind/m2 , mientras que la densidad en las parcelas de estudio fue de 0.78 ind/m2 . Los individuos presentaron una distribución espacial agregada y una asociación positiva con Larrea tridentata y Bursera fagaroides. Esta preferencia se manifestó en todos los intervalos de tamaño, mostrando una preferencia por la ubicación hacia el Este de estas plantas. La floración presentó dos picos anuales. La especie es autoincompatible y los principales visitantes florales fueron himenópteros. La población (N=380 individuos) estructurada por coberturas muestra escasez de plántulas y adultos 3 y 4. Las tasas finitas de crecimiento poblacional (λ), calculadas a través de matrices de transición de Lefkovitch fueron de 0.79 (±0.10) y de 0.98 (±0.12), para el primer y segundo año, respectivamente. La lambda promedio indica una disminución del 11% anual. La permanencia fue el proceso demográfico más importante y los adultos de la categoría A2 tuvieron especial relevancia en la dinámica poblacional. La ubicación de la especie dentro del triángulo demográfico de Silvertown es similar al de otras cactáceas globosas. Se confirmó la desaparición de la mitad de las poblaciones conocidas (N=10) y la aplicación del MER-Plantas (NOM059-SEMARNAT-2010) utilizando la información de este estudio, llevó a la propuesta de cambiar la categoría de riesgo asignada, de especie amenazada (A) a especie en peligro de extinción (P).
  27. F. Dortort, “Under Discussion,” Cactus and Succulent Journal, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 21–29, Jan. 2007. doi: 10.2985/0007-9367(2007)79[21:UD]2.0.CO;2.
    Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike.
  28. H. R. El-Seedi, P. A. G. M. D. Smet, O. Beck, G. Possnert, and J. G. Bruhn, “Prehistoric Peyote Use: Alkaloid Analysis and Radiocarbon Dating of Archaeological Specimens of Lophophora from Texas,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 238–242, Oct. 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2005.04.022.
    Two archaeological specimens of peyote buttons, i.e. dried tops of the cactus Lophophora williamsii (Lem.) Coulter, from the collection of the Witte Museum in San Antonio, was subjected to radiocarbon dating and alkaloid analysis. The samples were presumably found in Shumla Cave No. 5 on the Rio Grande, Texas. Radiocarbon dating shows that the calibrated 14C age of the weighted mean of the two individual dated samples corresponds to the calendric time interval 3780–3660 BC (one sigma significance). Alkaloid extraction yielded approximately 2% of alkaloids. Analysis with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) led to the identification of mescaline in both samples. No other peyote alkaloids could be identified. The two peyote samples appear to be the oldest plant drug ever to yield a major bioactive compound upon chemical analysis. The identification of mescaline strengthens the evidence that native North Americans recognized the psychotropic properties of peyote as long as 5700 years ago.
  29. H. Elias, “Micropropagation and Pigment Extraction of Echinocereus Cinerascens,” PhD thesis, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2017.
    Protocols were successfully established for in vitro regeneration and coloured callus production of Echinocereus cinerascens. Investigation mainly focused on the effects of plant growth regulators in rapid production of this endangered species and the optimum production of coloured callus. Additional assessments studied concerning the production of synthetic seeds, extraction of natural pigments and detection of somaclonal variation of the regenerants. Rapid production through direct in vitro regeneration gave the highest mean number of shoots, 4.37 ± 0.27, observed in MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l Kinetin + 1.0 mg/l IBA which promoted the highest production of shoots after 4 months, 131 shoots in total. Nevertheless, through indirect in vitro regeneration, somatic embryos of Echinocereus cinerascens were successfully developed in two treatments of liquid medium including MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D + 0.1 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l thiamine HCl and MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D + 0.5 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l thiamine HCl, as both media promoted 100% total mean production of somatic embryos (globular, heart, torpedo-shaped and cotyledonary stage) after 4 months. Practically, the production of ideal synthetic seeds was successfully established whereby, micro shoots as the most responsive propagule were encapsulated in 3% of sodium alginate hardened in 100 mM of calcium chloride dehydrate solution for 30 minutes gave 100% of germination rate after 4 months. Complete plantlets were successfully acclimatized with the highest survival rate of 90% observed in sand, the most suitable planting substrate which possessed 3 major elements such as SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO that play important roles to support the growth of Echinocereus cinerascens. Basically, the present study indicated that 100% production of green, yellow and pink callus was obtained after 2 months in several treatments of MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D + BAP + thiamine HCl applied in combination. Interestingly, the occurrence of dramatic changes in the iv production of coloured callus was clearly observed in a conversion of green to pink callus within 2 months. Moreover, pigment extraction analysis through UV-VIS spectroscopy discovered that both regenerants and callus possessed chlorophyll a and b as the major pigment while carotenoids as the minor pigment. Meanwhile, HPLC analysis revealed individual carotenoids present in in vitro plantlets namely, neoxanthin, β-carotene, lutein and violaxanthin, whereas in callus where β-carotene and lutein only. Analysis of cytological studies clarified that there were no significant differences in cell organization and behaviour of in vitro plantlets and ex vitro plants. The evidence verified that Echinocereus cinerascens regenerated normally in vitro and grown vigorously after being transferred to the natural environment.
  30. A. Ermakova, C. V. Whiting, K. Trout, C. Clubbe, M. K. Terry, and N. Fowler, “Densities, Plant Sizes, and Spatial Distributions of Six Wild Populations of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae) in Texas, U.s.a.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p. 2020.04.03.023515, Aug-2020. doi: 10.1101/2020.04.03.023515.
    Lophophora williamsii (Cactaceae) is thought to be threatened by habitat loss and overharvesting. However, basic demographic and habitat information to evaluate its conservation status has been lacking. We surveyed six wild populations of this species, three in South Texas and three in West Texas, to begin to address this gap. We found high levels of heterogeneity in plant presence and density at multiple spatial scales. While plant densities were not consistently different between South and West Texas, plants were significantly larger in West Texas. The two regions differ strongly in precipitation, temperature, elevation, and topography, all of which are correlated at the regional scale. Therefore, it was not possible to identify which of these variables, or other factors such as competition and human harvesting, may be responsible for the regional differences in plant size. However, our results provide initial information for determining the conservation status of this species. RESUMEN Lophophora williamsii (Cactaceae) se considera amenazada por la pérdida de hábitat y cosecha excesiva. Sin embargo, se carece de información demográfica y ambiental básica para evaluar su estado de conservación. Para abordar este déficit, examinamos seis poblaciones salvajes de esta especie (tres en el sur y tres en el oeste de Texas respectivamente). Encontramos altos niveles de heterogeneidad en la presencia y densidad de plantas en múltiples escalas espaciales. Las densidades no son consistentemente diferentes entre el sur y el oeste, pero las plantas son significativamente más grandes en el oeste. Las dos regiones difieren notablemente en precipitación, temperatura, elevación y topografía. Todas estas variables están correlacionadas a escala regional, por lo que no es posible identificar cuál de ellas (u otros factores como la competencia y la cosecha humana) causan las diferencias regionales observadas en el tamaño de la planta. Nuestros resultados proporcionan información fundamental para determinar el estado de conservación de esta especie.
  31. E. Evallo, J. D. Taguiam, and M. A. Balendres, “A Brief Review of Plant Diseases Caused by Cactus Virus X,” Crop Protection, vol. 143, p. 105566, May 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105566.
    Plant pathogens, including viruses, have a known negative impact on plant growth and development. Here, plant diseases caused by cactus virus X (CVX) are reviewed. CVX infects a range of plant species within the Cactaceae family. When expressed, symptoms include chlorosis, necrosis, and morphological alterations, such as the twisting of arms, but at times plants can be asymptomatic. CVX may be transmitted through contaminated grafting or cutting tools and can also occur as mixed infections with other viruses, including zygocactus virus X and pitaya virus X. CVX may also play a role in altering the plant’s physiology. The virus can be detected by molecular assays, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and transmitted to indicator plants. Sanitation in both nurseries and fields is critical in controlling the spread of CVX. This paper highlights CVX as a potential production threat to some Cactaceae family members, particularly the now popular Hylocereus species or dragon fruits.
  32. M. F. Fay and J. Gratton, “Tissue Culture of Cacti and Other Succulents: A Literature Review and a Report on Micropropagation at Kew,” Bradleya, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 33–48, Dec. 1992. doi: 10.25223/brad.n10.1992.a4.
    The literature concerning tissue culture of cacti and other succulents is reviewed, with sections dealing with the major succulent families. The most work has been carried out on the Cactaceae and Crassulaceae, with fewer references to the Agavaceae, Aizoaceae, Aloaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Euphorbiaceae and other families. For each family, species which have been successfully propagated in vitro at Kew are listed.
  33. K. Feeney, “Texas Peyote Culture,” Cactus and Succulent Journal, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 29–38, Mar. 2018. doi: 10.2985/015.090.0104.
    Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike.
  34. J. Flores et al., “Seeds Photoblastism and Its Relationship with Some Plant Traits in 136 Cacti Taxa,” Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 79–88, Apr. 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.10.025.
    Seed germination triggered by light exposure (positive photoblastism) has been determined in quantitative studies for numerous plant families and species. For Cactaceae, positive photoblastism is thought to be associated with life form and seed mass, but this association has never been evaluated. To explore hypotheses on associations between seed mass, seed dispersal, seed dormancy, life form, taxa and plant height with Relative Light Germination (RLG) in Cactaceae, we evaluated the effect of light on seed germination of 136 taxa. The taxa studied are native to several countries: México, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Perú, USA, and Venezuela. Seed traits contrasted with RLG were life form, seed mass, seed dispersal, seed dormancy, adult plant height and taxon. We found some differences between RLG among taxa; Cacteae, Pachycereeae and Trichocereeae had higher RLG than Notocacteae. RLG was lower for seeds from taller than for shorter taxa, and lower for taxa with heavier seeds than for taxa with lighter seeds. Dispersal syndrome groups varied with RLG. RLG did not differ between cylindrical and globose taxa. Trends found here were in agreement with expectations for small-seeded species to have a light requirement to germinate more often than large-seeded species. This is the first time that cactus height is related to photoblastism. It is possible that seeds from tall plants are larger and thus have the capacity to produce taller seedlings than those from small plants, and that seedlings from large seeds with more resources have the ability to emerge from greater soil depths than those from small seeds.
  35. E. Freye, “Peyote, a Mescaline-Containing Cactus,” in Pharmacology and Abuse of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Related Designer Drugs: A Comprehensive Review on Their Mode of Action, Treatment of Abuse and Intoxication, E. Freye, Ed. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010, pp. 227–228. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-2448-0_38.
    The naturally occurring psychedelic alkaloid of the phenethylamine class is mainly used as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and psychedelic psychotherapy. It occurs naturally in the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), the San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi) and the Peruvian Torch cactus (Echinopsis peruviana; Fig. 20), and in a number of other members of the Cactaceae.Peyote or Lophophora williamsii is a small, spineless cactus. It is native to southwestern Texas, through central Mexico. It is found primarily in the Chihuahuan desert and in the states of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi among scrub, especially where there is limestone. It is well known for its psychoactive alkaloids particularly mescaline. It is currently used world wide as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and supplement to various transcendence practices including meditation, psychonautics, and psychedelic psychotherapy. Peyote has a long history of ritual religious and medicinal use by indigenous Americans.
  36. P. T. Furst, “Ariocarpus Retusus, the ‘False Peyote’ of Huichol Tradition,” Economic Botany, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 182–187, Apr. 1971. doi: 10.1007/BF02860078.
  37. V. Gabermann, “[Estimation of mescaline and pellotine in Lophophora coulter plants (Cactaceae) by means of the oscillographic polarography],” Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia), vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 246–251, Feb. 1978.
    Oscillographic polarography has been applied for the mescaline and pellotine estimation. These alkaloids produce in 0.5 N NaOH electrolyte a sharp peak within the cathode region of the oscillogram, each of them showing different potential. It makes possible to estimate them at a concentration of 5.10(-6) g/ml. All the forms of Lophophora williamsii were found to contain mescaline and lower content of pellothine, L. jourdaniana–to have equal content of both alkaloide, L. diffusa and L. fricii–to contain pellotine and only traces of mescaline. Plants grown in the greenhouse accumulated the same amount of alkaloids as native plants. Grafting on roodstock which does not produce essential amount of the alkaloids, does not affect the ability of Lophophora to synthesize mescaline and pellotine.
  38. P. Gorostiague and P. Ortega-Baes, “Pollination Biology of Echinopsis Leucantha (Cactaceae): Passerine Birds and Exotic Bees as Effective Pollinators,” Botany, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 53–59, Jan. 2017. doi: 10.1139/cjb-2016-0120.
  39. R. S. Guedes, E. U. Alves, E. P. Goncalves, R. de L. A. Bruno, J. Joel Martins Braga, and M. S. de Medeiros, “Germination of Cereus jamacaru DC. seeds under different substrates and temperatures/Germinacao de sementes de Cereus jamacaru DC. em diferentes substratos e temperaturas,” Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 159–165, Apr. 2009. doi: 10.4025/ACTASCIBIOLSCI.V31I2.635.
  40. D. T. Guimarães, “Germinação in vitro, desenvolvimento inicial e micropropagação de cereus jamacaru em meios de cultura simplificados.,” Oct. 2016.
    Cereus jamacaru is a typical cactaceous from Caatinga, with importance for the sustainability and conservation of this biome, and exploited for ornamental and forage use. In vitro culture is a biotechnological tool that has been applied for germination, multiplication and conservation of different species of native cacti, however, it is a costly technique, which may have their costs reduced by modifying of some factors such as the culture medium. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro germination and micropropagation of Cereus jamacaru using different culture media, cytokinins and light sources. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratório de cultivo in vitro de plantas of INSA, and took place in two stages: in vitro germination and early development of seedlings were used simplified culture media (½ CK and CK), composed of Calcinit and Kristalon fertilizers, and two different light sources (fluorescent and LED), while in micropropagation stage was used the CAC culture medium supplemented with 2 mg L-1 of the cytokinins BAP, KIN, TOP and TDZ. The results showed that the LED + ½ CK treatment exhibit the highest germination percentage (83%), and the LED lamps provided a better seedling development when compared to fluorescent; however, the light source do not interfere in the plant survival rate, which was 100% in both treatments after 30 days of acclimatization. For multiplication step, the medium containing BAP induced the formation of 4.3 shoots per explant inoculated, followed by TOP (3.1), KIN (2.5) and TDZ (0.9). However, the height of the shoots was inversely proportional to the number of shoots. Given the above, simplified culture media may be used for in vitro culture of mandacaru.
  41. M. I. C. H. A. E. L. K. HENNESSEY and D. A. L. E. H. HABECK, “Observations on Reproduction of an Endangered Cactus, Cereus Robinii (Lemaire) L. Benson,” Florida Scientist, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 93–101, 1994.
    The Key tree-cactus, Cereus robinii (Lemaire) L. Benson, known from Cuba and the Florida Keys, is classified as endangered. Populations of the cactus on Upper Matecumbe, Long, and Big Pine Keys, Florida, were subjected to mosquito insecticide (naled) spraying that reached environmental concentrations of up to 0.017 μg per cm2. Observations of pollinators, sticky trapping, bagging buds to exclude pollinators, germination of seed, and sampling of naled residues were performed on the Big Pine Key population. Blooms, observed year-round, were sparse and opened for one night, and had a garlic-like odor suggestive of bat pollination. No pollinators were observed, and bagged and non-bagged (open pollinated) blooms in naled-sprayed hammocks set fruit and produced viable seed. Vegetative propagation of windthrows and limb buds of the tree-cactus and one natural seedling were observed. C. pentagonus (Linnaeus) Haworth and C. gracilis var. simpsonii (Small) L. Benson from the same area also produced seed in bagged and non-bagged treatments.
  42. A. Hofer, “(2816) Proposal to Conserve the Name Echinocactus Williamsii Lem. Ex Salm-Dyck (Lophophora Williamsii) against E. Williamsianus Lem. (Cactaceae),” TAXON, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 676–676, 2021. doi: 10.1002/tax.12513.
  43. P. L. Holder, “Tissue Culture and Drought Resistance: Growth of Cactus (Echinopsis Turbinata L.) and Wheat (Triticum Asetivum L. Em. Thell. ’Ponca’ and ’Kanking’),” BS, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1980.
  44. T. Horibe, “Cactus as Crop Plant ― Physiological Features, Uses and Cultivation ―,” Environmental Control in Biology, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2021. doi: 10.2525/ecb.59.1.
    Today, the stems of edible Opuntia are consumed as vegetables, cattle food, and processed food, in addition to being used for raw materials in cosmetics and medical supplies in various countries, including the Mediterranean, South America, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, showing their wide adaptability to various climate zones ranging from arid, semiarid to temperate zones. In a time when global warming and population growth requires an urgent response, there is intense demands in crops like edible Opuntia, which are stress-resistant to extreme environments (e.g., high temperature, dryness) and can be grown in large volumes. Thus, Edible Opuntia have promising potential not only to become general crop consumed globally but also to serve as a model plant for deciphering the mechanisms of their special properties. However, their existence and their traits as crop are not well-known at the global level compared with other global crops. This review explains the physiological features, uses and cultivation technologies including soil and hydroponic culture of edible Opuntia with recent researches.
  45. A. Huerta and M. del C. Mandujano, “Patrón de Distribución Espacial y Nodricismo Del Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii) En Cuatrociénegas, México,” undefined, 2010.
    En this trabajo se estudio el patron de distribucion espacial de Lophophora williamsii (“peyote”) en Cuatrocienegas, Desierto Chihuahuense, y evaluo si existe preferencia en el establecimiento bajo the sombra de las nodrizas en alguna orientacion azimut. En este trabajo se estudio el patron de distribucion espacial de Lophophora williamsii (“peyote”) en Cuatrocienegas, Desierto Chihuahuense. La especie presenta una amplia distribucion en esta region y algunas de sus poblaciones se encuentran amenazadas por la colecta. Se exploro si L. williamsii se establece en microhabitats proporcionados por el dosel de otras especies conocidas como “planta nodriza”. En 3 parcelas de 100 m2 se mapearon y censaron todos los individuos de peyote. A cada planta se le conto el numero de tallos (cabezuelas) y se identifico si el individuo se asociaba a alguna planta nodriza. Las potenciales especies nodriza fueron determinadas taxonomicamente y se les midio su tamano. Asimismo se evaluo si existe preferencia en el establecimiento bajo la sombra de las nodrizas en alguna orientacion azimut. El peyote presenta un patron de distribucion de tipo agregado alrededor de centros de vegetacion. El 91% de las plantas se encuentran asociadas a alguna nodriza y las mas importantes fueron Larrea tridentata (65%), Acacia sp. (3%) y Cordia parvifolia. El analisis de residuos ajustados indica que hay preferencia por estas especies y hay menos individuos en los espacios abiertos (P<0.0001). La densidad de peyotes es de ‘x =0.35 ind/m2, los individuos tienen de 1-34 cabezuelas (‘x = 3 ± 1.7) y el 74% de estas tienen 4-6 cm de diametro. L. williamsii se establece asociada a plantas nodrizas, similar a otras especies globosas
  46. D. Hulsey, M. Kalam, P. Daley, N. Fowler, and M. Terry, “Clinal Geographic Variation in Mescaline Concentration among Texas Populations of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae),” undefined, 2011.
    A phytochemical analytical study was conducted to address the question of whether Lophophora williamsii (peyote) plants from Chihuahuan Desert populations in the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas exhibited higher tissue concentrations of mescaline than plants from Tamaulipan Thornscrub populations of South Texas. A phytochemical analytical study was conducted to address the question of whether Lophophora williamsii (peyote) plants from Chihuahuan Desert populations in the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas exhibited higher tissue concentrations of mescaline than plants from Tamaulipan Thornscrub populations of South Texas. This question is of cultural significance to the Native American peyote religion, which involves the ingestion of peyote as a psychopharmacologically active sacrament. Tissue samples were field-collected from 10 individuals in each of four L. williamsii populations, two of which were located in the Chihuahuan Desert, and two of which were located in the Tamaulipan Thornscrub ecoregion. For each of the four populations, the tissue samples from 10 individual plants were pooled, the alkaloids were extracted, and the average mescaline concentration of the population was determined by HPLC. There was limited geographic variation in mescaline concentration; the highest concentration (3.52% of dry tissue) was only 27% greater than the lowest (2.77%), and the difference between the Chihuahuan Desert populations and the Tamaulipan Thornscrub populations was not significant. However, mescaline concentrations increased significantly along a gradient from southeast to northwest, i.e., from the southeasternmost Tamaulipan Thornscrub population to the northwesternmost Chihuahuan Desert population.
  47. Iamthefloor720, “What Kind of Soil for Peyote?,” r/peyote. Dec-2018.
  48. E. Ibarra-Laclette et al., “De Novo Sequencing and Analysis of Lophophora Williamsii Transcriptome, and Searching for Putative Genes Involved in Mescaline Biosynthesis,” BMC Genomics, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 657, Sep. 2015. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1821-9.
    Lophophora williamsii (commonly named peyote) is a small, spineless cactus with psychoactive alkaloids, particularly mescaline. Peyote utilizes crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), an alternative form of photosynthesis that exists in succulents such as cacti and other desert plants. Therefore, its transcriptome can be considered an important resource for future research focused on understanding how these plants make more efficient use of water in marginal environments and also for research focused on better understanding of the overall mechanisms leading to production of plant natural products and secondary metabolites.
  49. T. Js, “Thin-Layer Chromatography Analysis of Mexican Populations of Lophophora (Cactaceae).,” undefined, 1969.
    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Thin-layer chromatography analysis of Mexican populations of Lophophora (Cactaceae)." by Todd Js
  50. G. J. Kapadia and R. J. Highet, “Peyote Alkaloids IV. Structure of Peyonine, Novel β-Phenethylpyrrole from Lophophora Williamsii,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 191–192, Jan. 1968. doi: 10.1002/jps.2600570146.
    Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, drug development, protein-peptide chemistry, drug delivery
  51. G. J. Kapadia, N. J. Shah, and T. B. Zalucky, “Peyote Alkaloids. II. Anhalotine, Lophotine, and Peyotine, the Quaternary Alkaloids of Lophophora Williamsii,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 254–262, Feb. 1968.
  52. W. J. Keller, “Catecholamine Metabolism in a Psychoactive Cactus,” Clinical Toxicology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 233–243, Jan. 1980. doi: 10.3109/15563658008989942.
  53. M. T. Klein, “An Examination of the Variation in Mescaline Concentration in the Crown, Subterranean Stem, and Root of Lophophora Williamsii (Peyote) and Ethnobotanical Implications.” 2013.
    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "An examination of the variation in mescaline concentration in the crown, subterranean stem, and root of Lophophora williamsii (peyote) and ethnobotanical implications" by M. T. Klein
  54. M. T. Klein, M. Kalam, K. Trout, N. Fowler, and M. Terry, “Mescaline Concentrations in Three Principal Tissues of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae): Implications for Sustainable Harvesting Practices,” Haseltonia, vol. 2015, no. 20, pp. 34–42, Feb. 2015. doi: 10.2985/026.020.0107.
    We evaluated the pharmacological consequences of tissues other than crown being included with harvested peyote. Mean mescaline concentrations were determined for crown, non-chlorophyllous stem, and root, using mature individuals from the same population in South Texas. Samples of each tissue—crown, non-chlorophyllous stem, and root—were taken from each of 13 individual plants. Samples were dried, triturated, defatted, and extracted with methylene chloride, using an acid-base aqueous wash to recover the alkaloids. The concentration of mescaline in each sample was determined by HPLC. The average mescaline concentration in non-chlorophyllous stem was an order of magnitude lower than that in crown, whereas the mescaline concentration in root was two orders of magnitude lower than that in crown. These results show that non-chlorophyllous stem is a poor source of mescaline, and root is an extremely poor source. These results have important implications for conservation, suggesting that non-traditional harvesting of peyote for religious or medicinal use involving the cutting of non-chlorophyllous tissue are contributing to the death of plants and the subsequent failure to regenerate new crowns. Therefore, this practice should be reevaluated by peyote harvesters and users.
  55. W. La Barre, “Peyotl and Mescaline,” Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, vol. 11, no. 1-2, pp. 33–39, Jan. 1979. doi: 10.1080/02791072.1979.10472090.
  56. W. La Barre, “Twenty Years of Peyote Studies,” Current Anthropology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45–60, Jan. 1960. doi: 10.1086/200075.
  57. R. LeBlanc, S. D. Silva, and M. Terry, “Analysis of Over-the-Counter Analgesics Purported to Contain Mescaline from the Peyote Cactus (Lophophora Williamsii: Cactaceae),” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 125–137, Jul. 2021. doi: 10.17348/jbrit.v15.i1.1055.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate samples of commercial over-the-counter products purported to contain extracts from peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), a vulnerable species. Samples were extracted with organic solvent and then washed to remove impurities. The extracts of these products were subjected to an analysis by real-time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) to determine the presence or absence of the alkaloid mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine mescaline concentrations in the samples and to provide quantitative evidence of the concentration—if any—of mescaline in the products. If a detectable level of mescaline—a stable and abundant alkaloid of L. williamsii—was found in a given extract, then it was inferred that L. williamsii was present in the corresponding topical product. The results of this investigation show that most consumers who purchase the products in question are being defrauded if they believe they are buying L. williamsii-based medicines. The lack of mescaline—implying the lack of peyote—in these products suggests that wild populations of the vulnerable cactus L. williamsii, though currently being decimated on a massive scale in Mexico and the U.S. for other purposes, are rarely harvested for use in topical analgesic products. This conclusion is based on the finding that less than 5% of the ostensible L. williamsii-containing topical analgesic products that were analyzed in this study actually contained mescaline.
  58. M. Lee, J. Y. Jung, S. Choi, I. Seol, S. Moon, and I. K. Hwang, “Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Assay for Genetic Identification of Lophophora Williamsii*,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2117–2120, 2020. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14515.
    Lophophora is a member of the Cactaceae family, which contains two species: Lophophora williamsii and L. diffusa. Lophophora williamsii is an illegal plant containing mescaline, a hallucinogenic alkaloid. In this study, a novel method based on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay was developed for identifying L. williamsii; this assay reliably detects SNPs within chloroplast DNA (rbcL, matK, and trnL-trnF IGS) and was validated for identifying Lophophora and L. williamsii simultaneously. The chloroplast DNA sequences from four L. williamsii and three L. diffusa plants were obtained and compared using DNA sequence data from approximately 300 other Cactaceae species available in GenBank. From this sequence data, a total of seven SNPs were determined to be suitable for identifying L. williamsii. A multiplex assay was constructed using the ABI PRISM® SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit (Applied Biosystems, Forster City, CA) to analyze species-specific SNPs. Using this multiplex assay, we clearly distinguished the Lophophora among 19 species in the Cactaceae family. Additionally, L. williamsii was distinguished from L. diffusa. These results suggest that the newly developed assay may help resolve crimes related to illegal distribution and use. This multiplex assay will be useful for the genetic identification of L. williamsii and can complement conventional methods of detecting mescaline.
  59. J. Lema-Rumińska and D. Kulus, “Micropropagation of Cacti—a Review,” Haseltonia, vol. 2014, no. 19, pp. 46–63, Feb. 2014. doi: 10.2985/026.019.0107.
    In the past, members of the Cactaceae family were mostly propagated by seeds or vegetatively by cuttings and grafting. Seeds, however, do not guarantee genetic stability and, in the case of some cacti, seeds are difficult to obtain, their germination rates are low, or they need to be stored for a long time in specific light and temperature conditions. Traditional vegetative reproduction in vivo, on the other hand, may be less efficient insofar as a limited number of plants can be obtained. Major issues associated with traditional propagation methods may be solved by the use of plant tissue culture. Today micropropagation techniques are applied in order to produce large numbers of new high-quality plants in a relatively short time and space. This is especially important for endangered and desirable species such as cacti. This paper discusses the achievements, current state and future prospects of cactus micropropagation methods. We also provide an overview of cactus multiplication by areole activation, direct and indirect organogenesis (caulogenesis and rhizogenesis) and somatic embryogenesis, as well as consider acclimatization. Micropropagation of cacti is still sufficiently idiosyncratic that different protocols must be used for different species, even closely related ones.
  60. K. Lg, “Some Notes on Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii).” 1958.
    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Some notes on peyote (Lophophora williamsii)." by Kloesel Lg
  61. A. M. de Lima-Nascimento, J. S. B. da Silva, A. Casas, C. M. de Lucena, and R. F. P. de Lucena, “Traditional Management of Cactaceae: Cereus Jamacaru DC as the Native Cactus Most Managed by Rural Communities in Areas of Caatinga in Brazil,” Ethnobotany Research and Applications, vol. 21, pp. 1–12, May 2021.
    Background: Studies on management practices reflect the quality of the actions regarding the managed resource by people and allow us to identify possible selective pressures over time.Methods: Was investigated how have been carrying out management practices using native cacti species in two communities. Data collection was through the ethnobotanical (semi-structured interviews) and morphometric approach (botanical measurements). It was aimed to interview residents who used and/or cultivated some native species. For morphometric analysis were recorded total height from the highest branch and the maximum number of stem ribs per plant, ground-level and chest level diameter. Managed and unmanaged plants were comparatively analyzed. Was created a distribution map with gathering and cultivation areas indicated by the residents through QGIS software. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to investigate the differences between the specimens managed and unmanaged, and the Pearson linear correlation test to test the correlation between the diameter x height.Results: People mentioned the management of six native species, through the collection, non-selective incipient management, and ex situ cultivation. Low complexity activities were the most frequent; also, there was little variation between the forms of management. Cereus jamacaru DC. was the most locally managed species and by a higher number of people, and it was observed that specimens from the Area of Direct Use (ADU) had greater variation.Conclusions: Intra-specific variants were identified by people and they said to prefer the larger and healthier branches and younger (green) cladodes, suggesting human selection that can favor particular phenotypes where these plants are propagated.Keywords: dry forest, ethnobotany, phenotypic variation, artificial selection
  62. J. Lin et al., “How to Sample a Seizure Plant: The Role of the Visualization Spatial Distribution Analysis of Lophophora Williamsii as an Example,” Forensic Sciences Research, p. owad014, May 2023. doi: 10.1093/fsr/owad014.
    Abstract How to sample a seizure plant:the role of visualization spatial distribution analysis of Lophophora williamsii as an exampleAbstract: Natural compounds in plants are often unevenly distributed, and determining the best sampling locations to obtain the most representative results is technically challenging. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) can provide the basis for formulating sampling guideline. For a succulent plant sample, ensuring the authenticity and in situ nature of the spatial distribution analysis results during MSI analysis also needs to be thoroughly considered. In this study, we developed a well-established and reliable MALDI-MSI method based on preservation methods, slice conditions, auxiliary matrices, and MALDI parameters to detect and visualize the spatial distribution of mescaline in situ in L. williamsii. The MALDI-MSI results were validated using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Low-temperature storage at −80°C and drying of ‘bookmarks’ were the appropriate storage methods for succulent plant samples and their flower samples, and cutting into 40μm thick sections at −20°C using gelatin as the embedding medium is the appropriate sectioning method. The use of DCTB (trans-2-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methyl-2-propenylidene]malononitrile) as an auxiliary matrix and a laser intensity of 45 are favorable MALDI parameter conditions for mescaline analysis. The region of interest (ROI) semi-quantitative analysis revealed that mescaline is concentrated in the epidermal tissues of L. williamsii as well as in the meristematic tissues of the crown. The study findings not only help to provide a basis for determining the best sampling locations for mescaline in L. williamsii, but they also provide a reference for the optimization of storage and preparation conditions for raw plant organs before MALDI detection.
  63. L. Lindow-López et al., “Effects of Alternating Temperature on Cactus Seeds with a Positive Photoblastic Response,” Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 148, pp. 74–77, Jan. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2017.10.006.
    Temperature is an important factor governing cactus seed germination. Particularly, alternating regimes can have positive, neutral and negative effects on germination. We studied the effects of constant and alternating temperatures on the germination of positive photoblastic seeds of six cactus species native to Argentina. Seeds of all species failed to germinate in darkness, irrespective of temperature regimes. Seed germination was significantly affected by temperature. For constant temperature, Cereus hankeanus, Echinopsis atacamensis, E. terscheckii and Parodia aureicentra showed a higher proportion of maximum germination than E. ancistrophora and Gymnocalycium saglionis. In E. atacamensis and E. terscheckii, the effect of alternating temperature was neutral, as no differences were registered among the maximum germination values obtained for both temperature regimes. The other species showed reduced germination under alternating temperatures in relation to the maximum values obtained at constant temperatures, indicating a negative effect of temperature alternation. In addition, our results confirm the idea that alternating temperatures do not promote the germination of positive photoblastic cactus seeds in darkness.
  64. lopho-lover, “Lophophora Willamsii Growing Guide. Could Be Used for Other Lophophora as Well.,” r/peyote. Mar-2022.
  65. Lophophora, “Growing Cacti from Seed,” LOPHOPHORA. Jan-2000.
  66. Lophophora, “Recipe for Cactus Soil Mix,” LOPHOPHORA. Sep-2009.
  67. J. Lundström, “Biosynthesis of Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids in Lophophora Williamsii (Lem.) Coult,” Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 485–496, Nov. 1971.
  68. J. Lundström, B. Kimland, S.-O. Almqvist, C. R. Enzell, J. Koskikallio, and S. Kachi, “Biosynthesis of Mescaline and Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids in Lophophora Williamsii (Lem.) Coult. Occurrence and Biosynthesis of Catecholamine and Other Intermediates.,” Acta Chemica Scandinavica, vol. 25, pp. 3489–3499, 1971. doi: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.25-3489.
  69. J. Lundström, “Biosynthetic Studies on Mescaline and Related Cactus Alkaloids,” Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 275–302, Jun. 1971.
  70. M. de F. P. S. Machado and J. Prioli, “Micropropagation ofCereus Peruvianus Mill. (Cactaceae) by Areole Activation,” In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 199–203, Jul. 1996. doi: 10.1007/BF02822766.
    Currently,Cereus peruvianus plants can be rapidly clonedin vitro via adventitious organogenesis using callus cultures; however, somaclonal variation is a problem. A method is described herein using lateral bud explants to produce multiple shoots for clonal propagation. Apical and lateral explants were cultured on MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) media with factorial combinations of the auxins indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and cytokinins 6-ben-zyladenine (BA) and N-(2-furanyl-methyl)-1-purine-6 amine (kinetin) at the concentrations 0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 mg“l−1. Positive results were obtained from the lateral explants in all conditions tested, but apical explants did not respond toin vitro multiplication ofC. peruvianus cactus at all growth regulator combinations tested. Formation of axillary shoots inC. peruvianus seems most frequent in medium containing BA at 1.0 mg·l−1 (4.44 μM) and IAA or NAA at 1.0 mg·l−1 (5.71 μM or 5.37 μM respectively), but the frequency of shoot formation in the BA or kinetin and NAA or IAA combinations indicated that any of the combinations tested can be used for multiplication ofC. peruvianus plants regenerated from callus tissue culture. Root formation occurred in all (100%) of the cactus shoots after 9 wk in the same culture medium. All the cacti that developed at the different auxin and cytokin combinations continued growth after transfer to a potting mix of red earth (Paleudult) and ground river sand (1∶1).
  71. M. C. Mandujano, A. García Naranjo, M. Rojas-Aréchiga, and J. Golubov, “Conservation Status, Germination, and Establishment of the Divine Cactus, Lophophora Williamsii (Lem. Ex Salm-Dyck) J. M. Coult., at Cuatro Ciénegas,” in Plant Diversity and Ecology in the Chihuahuan Desert: Emphasis on the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, M. C. Mandujano, I. Pisanty, and L. E. Eguiarte, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 227–240. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44963-6_14.
    Lophophora williamsii, commonly known as “peyote” or “divine cactus”, has a wide distribution in the Chihuahuan Desert, but is under threat due to over-harvesting for religious ceremonies or psychedelic tourism, and many populations no longer exist. Natural populations can be rehabilitated or aided by sowing seeds or reintroducing specimens, which requires information on germination requirements and establishment conditions. We assessed seed germination and establishment to identify ecological factors that may determine the formation of seed banks, the effect of solar radiation on establishment, and seed aging after ex situ storage. This information can be used for conservation programs of peyote populations at Cuatro Ciénegas. Seeds collected from the wild and a sample of seeds kept for several years in a botanical garden’s germplasm collection were used for experimental trials. Germination experiments included seeds of different ages (1–9 years old) and three different light conditions. Germination decreased with seed age and was higher under shade mesh conditions. Peyote seeds remained viable for several years, which suggest they may form a seed bank as well as survive storage at room temperature (20 ± 2 °C), with a germination decay of up to 25% indicating a loss of viability process. Although Cuatro Ciénegas Basin holds well preserved populations of the divine cactus, they may be threatened by biological and anthropogenic factors, so it is urgent to drive efforts towards the future conservation of this outstanding cactus.
  72. M. del C. Mandujano, I. Carrillo-Angeles, C. Martínez-Peralta, and J. Golubov, “Reproductive Biology of Cactaceae,” in Desert Plants: Biology and Biotechnology, K. G. Ramawat, Ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 197–230. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02550-1_10.
    Floral biology in the Cactaceae represents a new field of research, with only 2% of approximately 2,000 species having been studied. Studies on breeding systems cover functional and morphological floral traits of sexual expression, while research on mating (hybridization) systems includes experiments on pollination, morphological and functional floral traits vis-à-vis estimation of out-crossing rates, and inbreeding depression. Most cacti are hermaphroditic with some exceptions of dioecy. Herkogamy and dichogamy seem to be common, and are coupled with self-incompatibility and inbreeding depression as mechanisms to avoid selfing; these traits are important in guiding the evolution of mating (fertilization) systems from mixed to mainly either out-crossing or selfing in all three subfamilies. We found no clear pattern between mating systems and genetic diversity. The impressive variety of fertilization and breeding systems, as well as the genetic diversity within Cactaceae highlights the complex evolution of this family and the plasticity of their reproductive response to the spatially and temporally unpredictable habitats in which they occur. This chapter reviews information on the floral biology, pollinators and genetics of Cactaceae, covering about 70 references: 36% on genetics, 43% on different aspects of pollination ecology, and 21% on diverse subjects with limited descriptions.
  73. M. B. Mazzola, V. J. Cenizo, and A. G. Kin, “Características morfológicas y anatómicas de las plántulas de Trichocereus candicans (Cactaceae),” Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, vol. 48, no. 3-4, pp. 515–523, 2013. doi: 10.31055/1851.2372.v48.n3-4.7556.
    Anatomical and morphological characteristics of Trichocereus candicans (Cactaceae) seedlings. The aim of this study was to examine the morpho-anatomical characteristics of Trichocereus candicans (Gillies ex Salm-Dyck) Britton & Rose seedlings, a columnar cacti species widely distributed in arid and semiarid regions of Argentina. The most significant changes in seedling morphology can be observed within the first 30 days from germination. Primary root is characterized by abundant radical hairs and a definite-growth pattern. Epidermis is uniseriate with wavy cells, parallelocytic stomata and mineral inclusions (druses). Xylem is composed by wide-band tracheids, with either helical or annular thickenings. Abnormal seedlings with three cotyledons were observed. This study provides basic knowledge of the species that may be useful for further taxonomic and ecological studies.
  74. M. B. Mazzola, V. J. Cenizo, and A. G. Kin, “Factores Que Afectan La Germinación de Trichocereus Candicans (Cactaceae ),” Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., vol. 48, no. 3-4, pp. 515–523, 2013.
    Factors affecting the germination of Trichocereus candicans (Cactaceae). In arid and semiarid regions, water availability and temperature are critical for cacti germination. The present study examined the effects of water stress and temperature, on germination of Trichocereus candicans, a cacti species native of Argentina. Water availability effects were tested using solutions of different water potential: 0, -0.1, -0.4, -0.7 y -1.0 MPa Treatments included temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/20°C. Total percentage, rate and mean germination time were determined. Results indicate that germination was higher when water availability is about 0 to -0.1 MPa, and then decreased when water potential reached -0.4 MPa or less. Maximum germination percentage and speed occurred around 25ºC but decreased below 15 and above 35ºC. Results suggest that T. candicans is adapted to germinate during the warm season months when precipitation events occur. Knowledge obtained in this study could be useful for developing conservations plans and ex situ propagation of the species.
  75. M. A. R. C. O. S. V. I. N. I. C. I. U. S. MEIADO, L. A. R. I. S. S. A. S. I. M. Õ. E. S. C. O. R. R. Ê. A. DE ALBUQUERQUE, E. M. E. R. S. O. N. A. N. T. Ô. N. I. O. ROCHA, \relax M. A. R. I. A. N. A. ROJAS-ARÉCHIGA, and I. N. A. R. A. R. O. B. E. R. T. A. LEAL, “Seed Germination Responses of Cereus Jamacaru DC. Ssp. Jamacaru (Cactaceae) to Environmental Factors,” Plant species biology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 120–128, May 2010. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-1984.2010.00274.x.
    In the present study, we assessed the seed germination responses of Cereus jamacaru DC. ssp. jamacaru (Cactaceae) to environmental factors. The seeds were collected from an area within Caatinga, a semiarid vegetation area located in north-eastern Brazil. We determined the optimal temperature for germination of C. jamacaru seeds and evaluated the effect of temperature, light intensity, light quality, water and saline stress on seed germination. Cereus jamacaru was classified as a positive photoblastic species. Maximum germination (95.8 ± 2.6%) was found under white light, and seed germination was not observed in darkness in any of the temperature, water or saline stress treatments. The optimum temperature for seed germination was 30°C because this temperature favored most of the parameters evaluated. Seed germinability responded positively to a wide range of temperatures, but was affected neither by light intensity nor by light quality. A reduction in water availability and an increase in saline concentration affected germinability and promoted slower, unsynchronized germination. The positive response of C. jamacaru seed germination to the environmental factors investigated may account for the abundant occurrence and wide distribution of the species in the Caatinga area.
  76. T. Monostori, L. Tanács, and L. Mile, “Studies on in Vitro Propagation Methods in Cactus Species of the Genera Melocactus, Cereus and Lobivia,” Acta Horticulturae, no. 937, pp. 255–261, Sep. 2012. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.937.31.
    In vitro propagation methods are frequently used for the conservation of rare cacti and also for the production of plants for commercial purposes. Here we report on the micropropagation by axillary shoot proliferation at the cactus species Melocactus salvadorensis, Lobivia tegeleriana and Cereus jamacaru being important as ornamentals and also as a forage and fruit crop in the case of the latter one. Depending on species, explants were derived from surface-sterilized shoots or seedlings germinated in vitro. Transverse or longitudinal slices of donor shoots were incubated on MS media supplemented with 1, 2 or 4 mg L-1 BAP. Addition of NAA (0.1 mg L-1) had positive effect on shoot induction. A 50% reduction of basal salt, vitamin and sugar concentration of hormone-free MS medium helped vitrified or abnormal shoots of C. jamacaru to recover and significantly improved rooting rate. Hyperhydricity was frequently observed among adventitious shoots induced on secondary explants of L. tegeleriana, while it did not occur in M. salvadorensis. Besides micropropagation, somatic callus cultures of L. tegeleriana have also been generated to develop a plant – cell – plant system. Somatic cell cultures make possible manipulations at the cellular level and production of somaclonal variants of interest to cactus enthusiasts. Using MS-based induction media supplemented with 2,4-D (2 or 4 mg L-1) calli of granular structure were produced after the passage on MS medium containing 1-1 mg L-1 2,4-D and kinetin, respectively. Vigorously growing plantlets of normal morphology have been regenerated on this medium, while plantlets regenerated from calli transferred to hormone-free MS medium grew slower and exhibited abnormal characteristics.
  77. J. G. O. Montiel and R. Garcia, “Propagación in Vitro de Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii (Lemaire) Coulter),” undefined, 1997.
    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Propagación in vitro de peyote (Lophophora williamsii (Lemaire) Coulter)" by J. G. O. Montiel et al.
  78. J. Monzer and R. Kollmann, “Vascular Connections in the Heterograft Lophophora Williamsii Coult. on Trichocereus Spachianus Ricc.,” Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 123, no. 4, pp. 359–372, May 1986. doi: 10.1016/S0176-1617(86)80096-7.
    Vascular connections and symplastic contacts between the heterospecific cells in the graft Lophophora williamsii on Trichocereus spachianus are described. Xylem and phloem connections are mainly established during secondary growth by joint cambial activity of stock and scion. Xylary connections within the graft are characterized by species-specific secondary wall thickenings. There are interspecific plasmodesmata linking stock and scion parenchyma cells. Based on the reliable identification of xylem elements and parenchyma cells of the partners, circumstantial evidence is presented for the occurrence of a symplastic sieve element connection between stock and scion.
  79. G. R. Morgan, “The Biogeography of Peyote in South Texas,” Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 73–86, 1983. doi: 10.5962/p.168655.
  80. R. Newbold, S. D. Silva, and M. Terry, “Correlation of Mescaline Concentrations in Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae) with Rib Numbers and Diameter of Crown (U.S.A.),” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 103–120, Jul. 2020. doi: 10.17348/jbrit.v14.i1.901.
    Lophophora williamsii, peyote, is a small cactus growing to approximately 10 cm in diameter with a flat to dome-shaped spineless crown with fissures or ribs that develop following the Fibonacci series and whose numbers indicate relative degree of maturing. In this study crown tissue of 30 wild-collected specimens was analyzed to determine whether there was a correlation between the concentration of the primary alkaloid mescaline in crown tissue with the average diameter of the crown. We also compared mescaline concentration in three groups of ten individuals: 5 ribs (juvenile stage), 8 ribs (intermediate), and 13 ribs (elder/mature stage), since these Fibonacci numbers are the most stable and long-lasting on L. williamsii. This was designed to test the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between mescaline concentration and both diameter and rib number. Nine greenhouse-grown specimens were likewise analyzed to serve as a control group for the study. All 39 tissue samples were subjected to an alkaloid extraction procedure followed by an acid-base washing procedure. Mescaline was identified using liquid-chromatography and mass spectroscopy and then quantified using reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. The Pearson’s Chi-squared test showed no statistical correlation between increasing mescaline concentration and increasing rib numbers for field-collected samples and greenhouse?raised control samples. Field-collected samples: P-value of 0.392; greenhouse control samples: P-value of 0.313. Similarly, field and greenhouse samples showed no statistical correlation between mescaline concentration and average diameter of the crown. Field-collected samples: P-value of 0.251; greenhouse control samples: P-value of 0.229. This study contributes to the understanding of this vulnerable species and to approaches to its overall conservation and the preservation of Native American culture.
  81. A. E. Ng, E. Sandoval, and T. M. Murphy, “Identification and Individualization of Lophophora Using DNA Analysis of the trnL/trnF Region and rbcL Gene,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, vol. 61, no. S1, pp. S226–S229, 2016. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12936.
    Lophophora williamsii (peyote) is a small, spineless, greenish-blue cactus found in Mexico and the southwestern United States. Ingestion of the cactus can result in hallucinations due to its content of mescaline. In the United States, L. williamsii is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. In this study, we use DNA analysis of the chloroplast trnL/trnF region and chloroplast rbcL gene to identify the individuals of Lophophora. Using the rbcL gene, Lophophora specimens could be distinguished from outgroups, but species within the genus could not be distinguished. The trnL/trnF region split the Lophophora genus into several groups based on the length and substructure of an AT-rich segment of the sequence. Our results indicate that the genetic variability at the trnL/trnF locus is greater than previously recognized. Although DNA structures at the trnL/trnF region and rbcL gene do not align with the classification of Lophophora species, they can be used to aid in forensic analysis.
  82. “Case Study: Owuok (Hallucinatory Cactus) Using Plant DNA Barcode Analysis... - Scholar (Hakjisa, Kyobo Book Center).” .
  83. “Cultivating Peyote from Seeds and Cuttings « The Peyote Way Church of God,” The Peyote Way Church of God. .
    »Aspiring to cultivate Peyote in the U.S.? Take these steps to protect yourself legally… Peyote is a beautiful sentient succulent that grows without much attention and provides company that never overstays its welcome. Many individuals who have experienced the Spirit Walk desire to bring this sacred plant into their homes. The Peyote plant’s presence in... [Read More]
  84. “Gibberellic Acid Germination Results Thread.” .
  85. “Grow Peyote Tips - Sacred Cacti Cultivation - Seeds.” May-2019.
  86. “How to Prepare Soil Mixture and Best Composition?,” r/peyote. Jul-2019.
  87. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Cristata,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  88. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Jourdaniana,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  89. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Fricii Cv. Marbles,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  90. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Fricii f. Variegata,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  91. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Fricii f. Cristata,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  92. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Texana,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  93. “Lophophora Williamsii Cv. Kikko,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  94. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Caespitosa f. Variegata,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  95. “Lophophora Williamsii Var. Caespitosa,” The Encyclopedia of CACTI. Nov-2005.
  96. “My Lophophora Soil Mix - The Ethnobotanical Garden - Shroomery Message Board.” .
  97. “Peyote [Lophophora Williamsii (Lem. Ex Salm-Dyck) Coult.] and Mescaline,” in Medical Toxicology of Drug Abuse, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012, pp. 944–949. doi: 10.1002/9781118105955.ch63.
    This chapter contains sections titled: History Botantical Description Identifying Characteristics Exposure Dose Effect Toxicokinetics Histopathology and Pathophysiology Clinical Response Diagnostic Testing Treatment References
  98. “Products from Catha Edulis and Lophophora Williamsii,” in The Analysis of Controlled Substances, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2003, pp. 113–125. doi: 10.1002/0470868007.ch7.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Products of Catha edulis Identification, Quantification and Comparison of Khat Samples Comparison of Khat Samples Products of Lophophora williamsii Physical Description and Sampling of Materials Presumptive Tests for Mescaline TLC Analysis of Mescaline HPLC Analysis of Mescaline GC–MS Analysis of Mescaline Comparison of Peyote Samples References
  99. “Results of Samples Sent to u/AltitudeConsulting : Falsesleep,” reddit. .
  100. “Sacred and Medicinal Cacti: Peyote, San Pedro and Other Ethnopharma.” .
  101. J. L. Nustoe, “Morphological Studies of Trichocereus Spachianus Cultured on Six Sugars in Vitro,” PhD thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 1971.
  102. W. R. J. Obermeyer, “Enhancement of Growth and Alkaloid Production in Tissue Cultures of Peyote, Lophophora Williamsii (Lemaire) Coulter,” PhD thesis, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 1989.
    Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.
  103. O. Ogunbodede, D. McCombs, K. Trout, P. Daley, and M. Terry, “New Mescaline Concentrations from 14 Taxa/Cultivars of Echinopsis Spp. (Cactaceae) (‘San Pedro’) and Their Relevance to Shamanic Practice,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 131, no. 2, pp. 356–362, Sep. 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2010.07.021.
    Aim of the study: The aim of the present study is to determine in a procedurally uniform manner the mescaline concentrations in stem tissue of 14 taxa/cultivars of the subgenus Trichocereus of the genus Echinopsis (Cactaceae) and to evaluate the relationship (if any) between mescaline concentration and actual shamanic use of these plants.
  104. P. Ortega-Baes, M. Aparicio-González, G. Galíndez, P. del Fueyo, S. Sühring, and M. Rojas-Aréchiga, “Are Cactus Growth Forms Related to Germination Responses to Light? A Test Using Echinopsis Species,” Acta Oecologica, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 339–342, May 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.actao.2010.02.006.
    In this study, we investigated the effect of light regimen (white light vs. darkness) on the germination of 12 species of the Echinopsis genus (tribe Trichocereeae, Cactaceae). This genus presents a variety of growth forms and relatively small and uniform seed size. These traits allowed us to test, within the same linage and removing seed mass effect, the hypothesis that the germination response to light (indifferent to light or positive photoblastic) is related to growth form. Our results reject this hypothesis since no seeds germinated in darkness, so all of the species can be classified as being positively photoblastic. The proportion of seed germination with white light was significantly different among cactus growth forms. Columnar cacti (arborescent, creeping and short) showed a greater proportion of seed germination than barrel and globose cacti. The germination rate differed among growth forms and species. At constant temperatures, creeping columnar cacti presented a significantly higher germination rate than the other growth forms. With alternating temperatures, columnar cacti showed higher germination rates than the other growth forms. The low proportion of seeds that germinated for some species indicates that they show seed dormancy. Our results suggest that germination responses to light in the cactus family could be related to seed mass and phylogenetic constraints.
  105. P. Ortega-Baes and P. Gorostiague, “Extremely Reduced Sexual Reproduction in the Clonal Cactus Echinopsis Thelegona,” Plant Systematics and Evolution, vol. 299, no. 4, pp. 785–791, Apr. 2013. doi: 10.1007/s00606-013-0761-6.
    Sexual and asexual reproduction may occur simultaneously in some plant species. Under certain environmental conditions asexual reproduction is predominant, which generates ecological consequences on sexual fecundity. In this context, we studied the reproductive ecology of the creeping clonal cactus Echinopsis thelegona in La Bodega (Salta, Argentina), where low fruit and seed production was preliminarily observed. Specifically, we studied the flower availability, fruit and seed production, reproductive system, floral visitors and effects of neighbor ramets on reproductive success. The number of available flowers per day was low, and fruit production was low or null as well. Echinopsis thelegona is self-incompatible. Although its flowers have sphingophilous traits, we did not find evidence of moths visiting them. Only native and exotic bees visited the flowers of this species, though with a low number of visits. Therefore, nocturnal visitors were not registered as pollinators of E. thelegona, perhaps because of their low local abundances. On the other hand, bees behaved as inefficient pollinators of E. thelegona due to their foraging behavior, which moves pollen within individuals. A pollen-addition experiment revealed that there is no fruit production at short distances among ramets. Therefore, the combination of self-incompatibility, low flower production and low local abundance of pollinators could account for the low fruit production observed in this species. This finding suggests that populations of E. thelegona persist by clonality and that they tend toward the loss of sexuality.
  106. P. Ortega-Baes and M. Rojas-Aréchiga, “Seed Germination of Trichocereus Terscheckii (Cactaceae): Light, Temperature and Gibberellic Acid Effects,” Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 169–176, Apr. 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2006.09.009.
    In this paper, we evaluated the effect of light and temperature and addition of gibberellic acid (GA3) in the germination of seeds of Trichocereus terscheckii in order to provide information about germination requirements which could be use for conservation studies. The germination response within a temperature gradient was evaluated for seeds arising from two populations: La Pedrera and Cuesta del Obispo (Salta, Argentina). Seeds of T. terscheckii germinated within a range from 15 to 35°C. Maximum germination percentages were found under white light and no germination was recorded in darkness. GA3 at any concentration promoted germination either in white light or darkness neither at a constant temperature nor at an alternating one.
  107. P. Ortega-Baes, G. Galíndez, S. Sühring, M. Rojas-Aréchiga, M. I. Daws, and H. W. Pritchard, “Seed Germination of Echinopsis Schickendantzii (Cactaceae): The Effects of Constant and Alternating Temperatures,” Seed Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 219–224, Apr. 2011. doi: 10.15258/sst.2011.39.1.21.
    The effects of constant and alternating temperatures on seed germination in the Cactaceae have been reported to vary, probably as a result of the different temperature regimes used and the species considered. We determined the cardinal temperatures for, and evaluated the effects of a wide range of constant and alternating temperatures on, seed germination of the South American cactus, Echinopsis schickendantzii Web. The base, optimum and maximum temperatures were 7°C, 26.8°C and 49°C, respectively. The proportion of seeds that germinated and the germination rates were not only significantly different at constant and alternating temperatures but also among all temperature regimes considered. The highest proportion of seeds to germinate occurred at 15°, 20°, 30° and 30/15°C whereas the highest germination rates occurred at 25°, 30°, 30/20°, 35/20° and 40/25°C, with no significant differences between the highest values at constant and alternating temperatures. In the suboptimal temperature range for germination rate, the thermal time to 50% germination was 98°C-days. The results indicate that the seeds have no obligate requirement for alternating temperature for germination.
  108. K. M. Pedrosa, C. M. Lucena, R. F. P. de Lucena, and S. de Faria Lopes, “Traditional Techniques for the Management of Cactaceae in the Americas: The Relationship between Use and Conservation,” Ethnobiology Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 276–282, 2018. doi: 10.14237/ebl.9.2.2018.1117.
    Humans have used and coexisted with cacti in arid regions of North and South America for thousands of years. Species of the family Cactaceae possess physiological adaptations to arid and semi-arid climates that have allowed them to be used as a resource throughout the year by traditional peoples. The objective of this review is to present information on the uses and management of species of Cactaceae in the various regions of the Americas. This review provides information relevant to conservation policies regarding this important resource for local populations in semi-arid regions. To fully understand how management can influence cacti conservation, a knowledge gap regarding the traditional management of cacti needs to be addressed.
  109. E. Pérez-Molphe-Balch et al., “Tissue Culture of Ornamental Cacti,” Scientia Agricola, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 540–561, Dec. 2015. doi: 10.1590/0103-9016-2015-0012.
  110. R. Perumal, M. Prabhu, M. Kannan, and S. Srinivasan, “Taxonomy and Grafting of Ornamental Cacti: A Review,” Agricultural Reviews, no. Of, Jan. 2021. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-2053.
    Nowadays, cacti and succulents are widely utilized in landscaping. These plants suit very effectively for both indoor and outdoor decorations. The family Cactaceae comprises of 130 genera with 2000 species and this is primarily divided into three tribes namely: Pereskieae, Opuntieae and Cereeae. Cactus flowers are very attractive and are diverse in size, number, form and color. The nocturnal flowers are always white, with light-yellow or red tones, whereas diurnal flowers are white, purple, yellow-orange, red or green. Basically, an areole is a transformed axillary bud situated over a tubercle with spines and often with hairs and trichomes. Due to their low maintenance requirements and their ability to withstand harsh environments, cacti are extremely popular as ornamental plants across the planet. Cacti can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, offsets and grafts. Grafted cacti are now regarded as one of the most admired ornamental indoor plants worldwide. In cacti, grafting has become a commercial method of propagation to accelerate and hasten the growth rate of slow growing species, to ensure the survival of the plants with poor root system, to ensure the survival of genetic aberration of variegated and bright coloured cacti (red and yellow caps) that lack chlorophyll, to accelerate the growth of plants for commercial use, in order to keep cristate and monstrose forms look attractive. Successful grafts have been obtained when the species like Trichocereus spachianus, Trichocereus macrogonus, Trichocereus pachanoi, Hylocereus trigonus, Hylocereus undatus, Selenicereus grandiflorus, Opuntia bergeriana, Opuntia ficus-indica are grafted onto Nopalea spp. The exogenous application of IBA has a positive effect on the vegetative growth of grafted plants using (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii scion grafted onto Trichocereus spachianus rootstock.
  111. Phoenix_of_MnM-Cacti, “Hibernation & Cultivation in the Low-Light Period of Winter Dormancy,” r/peyote. Oct-2022.
  112. plant-paradise, “Lophophora Williamsii Varieties List,” Shroomery Message Board. Jun-12AD.
    Hello I want to make a list of al the varieties off lophophora’s. Offcource you got the main species. fricii, koehresii, williamsii and difusa but I red somewhere l. williamsii also has about 50 varieties like.
  113. S. Pummangura, J. L. McLaughlin, and R. C. Schifferdecker, “Cactus Alkaloids. LI. Lack of Mescaline Translocation in Grafted Trichocereus,” ACS Publications. American Chemical Society, Jul-2004. doi: 10.1021/np50020a022.
  114. S. Ramsoot, P. Rotduang, M. Weeraphong, H. Seesuk, and N. Khlibtreekaew, “Enhance Efficiency Plant Regeneration of 3 Genotypes Cactus In Vitro,” Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 20–27, Jun. 2021.
    Enhance efficiency plant regeneration of three cactus species including Gymnocalycium damsii, Echinocereus rigidissimus and Echinocactus grusonii were studied. The objective was to investigate the effects of sucrose, explant types and BA on proliferation, growth and development of cactus. The shoot at size of 0.5 cm of three genotypes cactus were uncut halves and longitudinally cut pieces and cultured on MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium supplemented with 0, 15, 30 and 45 g/l sucrose. After 8 weeks of culture, the results found that each species gave various responses to different concentrations of sucrose. The explant uncut longingly of G. damsii cultured on MS medium supplemented with 15 g/L sucrose gave the highest shoot induction at 35.05%, number of shoot (1.28 shoots/explant) and number of root (1.60 roots/explant). For Echinocereus rigidissimus, the explant cut longingly and cultured on MS medium supplemented with 45 g/L sucrose gave the highest shoot induction at 60.25% and number of shoot (7.53 shoots/explant). The explants cut longingly of Echinocactus grusonii and cultured on MS medium supplemented with 45 g/l sucrose gave the highest shoot induction at 36.18% and number of shoot (3.69 shoots/explant). On the other hand, the explant uncut longingly of Echinocactus grusonii and cultured on MS medium supplemented with 15 g/L sucrose gave the highest shoot length (8.60 mm.), root induction (16.35%), number of root (11.50 roots/explant) and root length (2.40 mm). For effect of BA on growth and development of 3 genotypes cactus, the results showed that shoot of G. damsii and Echinocereus rigidissimus cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BA gave the highest shoot induction (60.25 and 75.25%) and number of shoot (10.40 and 3.53 shoots/explant), respectively, after 4 weeks of culture. On the other hand, shoot of E. grusonii cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l BA gave the highest shoot induction at 67.25% and number of shoots at 2.27 shoots/explant.
  115. G. S. Rao, “Identity of Peyocactin, an Antibiotic from Peyote ( Lophophora Williamsii ), and Hordenine,” Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 544–545, Apr. 2011. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-7158.1970.tb10566.x.
  116. M. M. D. Rêgo, E. R. Araújo, E. R. D. Rêgo, and J. P. D. Castro, “IN VITRO SEED GERMINATION OF MANDACARU (Cereus Jamacaru DC.),” Revista Caatinga, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 34–38, Dec. 2009.
    Resumo Mandacaru (Cereus jamacaru DC.) is a native cactus of Caatinga with a big importance for development sustainable and biodiversity conservation of this biome. The goal of this work was to disinfest and promoter seed germination of this specie in vitro. For this different concentration of the sodium hypochlorite solution and sucrose were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial 5 x 5, with five replicates by treatments. Treatments consisted in five sodium hypochlorite concentration (0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0%) and five sucrose concentration (0.0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10.0 g.L-1). The following variables were analyzed: contamination; seed germination frequency and seedling growth. The analysis of variance shown that there was a significant interaction for seed germination at 5% of probability by F test. The 2.5% sucrose supplemented media was the most efficient treatment. On other hand, it was observed that the concentration of sodium hypochlorite soluction at 0.5% was effective in seed disinfestations. The best treatment was at 1.0% of hypochlorite. Regarding the seedling growth there was no significant differences among treatments.
  117. M. Rojas-Aréchiga and C. Vázquez-Yanes, “Cactus Seed Germination: A Review,” Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 85–104, Jan. 2000. doi: 10.1006/jare.1999.0582.
    The present review tries to give a general overview of the available information on cactus seed germination. First, information about the family Cactaceae is discussed, concerning aspects such as distribution and general characteristics. Seed distinctive features are mentioned, such as colour, form, and size. Aspects of seed physiology, such as germination and dormancy, as well as seed dynamics including dispersal, predation, and soil seed bank formation, are included in the discussion. Techniques of propagation and some aspects of longevity and conservation are mentioned. The areas where there is scarce information available are highlighted, and, therefore, are important areas in which to continue research in order to generate data for immediate and future conservation efforts.
  118. M. Rojas-Aréchiga, M. C. Mandujano, and J. K. Golubov, “Seed Size and Photoblastism in Species Belonging to Tribe Cacteae (Cactaceae),” Journal of Plant Research, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 373–386, May 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10265-012-0526-2.
    The response of seed germination towards light and the relationship to seed traits has been studied particularly well in tropical forests. Several authors have shown a clear adaptive response of seed size and photoblastism, however, the evolutionary significance of this relationship for species inhabiting arid environments has not been fully understood and only some studies have considered the response in a phylogenetic context. We collected seeds from 54 cacti species spread throughout the tribe Cacteae to test whether there was correlated evolution of photoblastism, seed traits and germination using a reconstructed phylogeny of the tribe. For each species we determined the photoblastic response under controlled conditions, and seed traits, and analyzed the results using phylogenetically independent contrasts. All studied species were positive photoblastic contrasting with the basal Pereskia suggesting an early evolution of this trait. Seeds from basal species were mostly medium-sized, diverging into two groups. Seeds tend to get smaller and lighter suggesting an evolution to smaller sizes. No evidence exists of a relationship between seed size and photoblastic response suggesting that the photoblastic response within members of this tribe is not adaptive though it is phylogenetically fixed and that is coupled with environmental cues that fine tune the germination response.
  119. H. Rosenberg, K. L. Khanna, M. Takido, and A. G. Paul, “The Biosynthesis of Mescaline in Lophophora Williamsii,” Lloydia, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 334–338, Sep. 1969.
  120. H. Rosenberg and S. J. Stohs, “The Utilization of Tyrosine for Mescaline and Protein Biosynthesis in Lophophora Williamsii,” Phytochemistry, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1861–1863, Sep. 1974. doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(74)85102-2.
    Studies on the comparative utilization of tyrosine for protein and alkaloid biosynthesis indicate that this amino acid is incorporated into peyote alkaloids at three times the rate at which it is incorporated into protein. In addition, the biosynthetic pathway for tyrosine formation appears to be compartmented into two channels; one supplying the needs for alkaloid biosynthesis and the other providing tyrosine for protein biosynthesis. The latter compartment is possibly under a negative feedback control mechanism.
  121. San Pedro Mastery, “Perfect Peyote Soil Mix Part 1 - Lophophora Williamsii Soil Recipe.” Apr-2019.
    In this video, I share with you 2 soil recipes for growing the Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii) from seeds, as well as for repotting it. This is Part 1. Please also check Part 2. If you are interested in buying pure, well identified San Pedro seeds and seedlings, as well as San Pedro relatives, please email me at: If you have a question, I will only reply to questions about cultivation. Please no questions about the psychedelic properties of these cacti.
  122. San Pedro Mastery, “Perfect Peyote Soil Mix Part 2 - Lophophora Williamsii Soil Recipe.” Apr-2019.
    This is the Part 2 of "Perfect Peyote Soil Mix", with another recipe including coco coir, earthworm castings and limestone. If you are interested in buying pure, well identified San Pedro seeds and seedlings, as well as San Pedro relatives, please email me at: If you have a question, I will only reply to questions about cultivation. Please no questions about the psychedelic properties of these cacti.
  123. San Pedro Mastery, “Peyote Soil Update (Lophophora Williamsii Soil Mix Recipe).” Jan-2022.
    In this video I show you the changes I have made in my peyote soil mix in the past couple of years. If you are interested in buying pure, well identified San Pedro seeds and seedlings, as well as San Pedro relatives, please email me at: (Please mention your country when you email me) If you have a question, I will only reply to questions about cultivation. Please no questions about the mind expanding properties of these cacti.
  124. S. L. Sanchez and E. A. Bárcenas, “Crecimiento De Plantas Regeneradas in Vitro De Peyote (Lophophora Diffusa Croizat (Bravo) En Mezcla De Sustratos Agrícolas,” undefined, 2016.
    El peyote (Lophophora diffusa) es una planta de crecimiento lento en condiciones in situ, en diferentes investigaciones revelan que pueden presentar un crecimiento desde 0.5 a 1 centimetro por ano, este desarrollo esta influenciado en funcion directa del sustrato donde se encuentre establecido; lo que provoca que una planta para ser adulta deben pasar de 8 a 12 anos, otros datos mencionan hasta 20 anos cuando inicia la emision de brotes laterales, sin embargo, el saqueo al cual sometido las poblaciones naturales afectan en forma considerable y, en ocasiones llegan a desaparecer los sitios nucleos. Ante ello deben plantearse alternativas tecnologicas para establecer protocolos eficientes y que eviten que especies amenazadas, pasen al de en “peligro de extincion”. La micropropagacion es una alternativa viable, reproducir gran cantidad de plantas es espacios reducidos. El trabajo se desarrollo en el Instituto Tecnologico de Roque, las plantas micropropagadas se establecieron en cinco mezclas de sustratos, los cuales estuvieron constituidos principalmente por composta, suelo agricola, arena y el testigo en suelo original. Los resultados indican que el mejor crecimiento fue cuando las plantas fueron establecidas en presencia de materia organica, en el caso del suelo original fue uno de los sustratos donde el crecimiento fue mas lento tanto en la altura como en el diametro de las plantas evaluadas.
  125. M. del S. Santos-Díaz and N. G. Camarena-Rangel, “Cacti for Production of Metabolites: Current State and Perspectives,” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 103, no. 21, pp. 8657–8667, Nov. 2019. doi: 10.1007/s00253-019-10125-5.
    The Cactaceae family is native from the American continent but is distributed in the arid and semiarid regions worldwide. Cacti exhibit different morphological (succulent body, extended root system, presence of spines, thick waterproof epidermis) and physiological adaptations (crassulacean acid metabolism) that allow growth in adverse conditions intolerable for most C3 and C4 crops. In addition, these plants produce a wide range of secondary metabolites involved in defense mechanism against biotic and abiotic stresses. The present review focused on the content of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and terpenes present in cacti plants. Data were limited to those compounds clearly characterized by chromatographic and/or spectrometric techniques in both globular and columnar cacti. Additional information about their pharmacological or biological activities, validated by in vitro or in vivo assays, is also presented. Data revealed that the level of some chemical constituents could give value added to these species from a nutritional, pharmacological, and biological point of view.
  126. Y. Sasaki, T. Fujimoto, M. Aragane, I. Yasuda, and S. Nagumo, “Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Lophophora Williamsii by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification,” Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 887–891, 2009. doi: 10.1248/bpb.32.887.
    We have developed a convenient method for the detection of Lophophora williamsii using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). We designed six species-specific primers for L. williamsii, including two loop primers. This L. williamsii-specific primer set was used for LAMP of total DNA extracted from L. williamsii and from L. diffusa. Real-time monitoring of LAMP was achieved by measuring turbidity due to the formation of magnesium pyrophosphate. Amplification occurred in samples mixed with total DNA from L. williamsii, but not in those mixed with total DNA from L. diffusa. We could also visually observe L. williamsii by adding fluorescent detection reagent to the reaction tube and exposing it to UV light. This new method amplified L. williamsii selectively and is expected to be applicable to the detection of peyote.
  127. B. Sasáková, “Rod Lophophora J. M. Coult. I. Taxonomie Rodu, Izolace DNA a Výběr Molekulárních Markerů pro Biosystematickou Studii.,” undefined, 2015.
    Do prvni sekce je řazen jeden vysoce polymorfni druh L. williamsii, zatimco do seKce Diffusae jsou �’azeny zbyle ctyři druhy L. Lophophora a L. diffusa, L. fricii a alberto-vojtechii. Rod Lophophora je rod malých, kulovitých, nenapadných kaktusů rostoucich od jihozapadu Spojených statu amerických přes severni Mexiko až po středni Mexiko. V dnesni době se do rodu řadi pět druhů, ktere jsou rozděleny do dvou sekci: Lophophora sect. Lophophora a L. sect. Diffusae. Do prvni sekce je řazen jeden vysoce polymorfni druh L. williamsii, zatimco do sekce Diffusae jsou řazeny zbyle ctyři druhy L. diffusa, L. koehresii, L. fricii a L. alberto-vojtechii. Zastupci sekce Lophophora se vedle morfologie lisi od sekce Diffusae i obsahem a složenim alkaloidů. Proslulý alkaloid meskalin, vyvolavajici silný vizualni halucinace, se tvoři jenom u zastupců sekce Lophophora a je tedy charakteristický pro druh L. williamsii. Taxonomicke zpracovani rodu vsak neni jednoznacne a vyvolava mnoho polemik o tom, jestli se v rodě skutecně da rozlisit pět druhů, nebo existuje jenom jeden morfologicky znacně polymorfni druh L. williamsii. Tato bakalařska prace se zaměřila na podrobnou literarni resersi z aktualnich zdrojů, zahrnujici morfologický popis, udaje o taxonomii, arealu výskytu a historii rodu Lophophora. Prakticka cast byla zaměřena na izolaci DNA a testovani molekularnich markerů pro polymerazovou řetězovou reakci (PCR). Celkově bylo zpracovano 151 rostlinných vzorků rodu Lohophora, zahrnujicich ctyři z pěti popsaných druhů, ze kterých byla vyizolovana DNA. Kvalita vyizolovane DNA byla ověřena na agarozove elektroforeze a koncentrace byla změřena na NanoDropu. Vhodnost DNA pro dalsi molekularně-geneticke analýzy, byla otestovana pomoci PCR reakce, kdy se testovalo pět různých markerů na ctyřech vzorcich s různou kvalitou DNA.
  128. R. E. Schultes, “The Appeal of Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii) as a Medicine1,” American Anthropologist, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 698–715, 1938. doi: 10.1525/aa.1938.40.4.02a00100.
  129. L. Schwertner-Charão, R. Delgado-Martínez, J. Treviño-Carreón, C. L. Jiménez Sierra, C. C. Astudillo-Sánchez, and E. O. Hernández, “Spatial Distribution Pattern and Interactions Facilitating of Lophophora Williamsii (Lem. Ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult. (Cactaceae) in Tamaulipas, México,” no. 4063001. Rochester, NY, Mar-2022. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4063001.
    In this study, the spatial distribution pattern of Lophophora williamsii (peyote) was determined through Ripley’s K function and the facilitation interactions between the cactus and other species of the xeric scrub in southwestern Tamaulipas. Dasometric measurements of perennial plants were obtained in 10 plots of 100 m2. The frequencies of the associations between the peyotes and the facilitating species were obtained. The cardinal position of the peyotes under the canopy of the facilitator plant was recorded, as well as the temperature and radiation at ground level and under the canopy of the facilitators. Peyote presented an aggregate-type spatial distribution pattern, 97.7% of the sampled individuals presented association with facilitating species, among which Prosopis glandulosa (mezquite) stands out with 30.90%, Flourensia cernua (hojasén) with 24.70%, Larrea tridentata (gobernadora) with 19.15% and Agave lechuguilla (lechuguilla) with 16.11%. Significantly higher frequencies of peyotes positioned in the northern quadrant of the facilitator canopy were observed. Temperatures and solar radiation were significantly contrasting under the different associated species compared to open areas.
  130. O. Segura, C. Sierra, M. L. Matías-Palafox, and E. Díaz, “Evaluación Del Estado de Conservación Del Peyote Queretano Lophophora Diffusa Croizat (Bravo), Cactácea Endémica Del Desierto Querétaro-Hidalguense, México,” undefined, 2012.
    El “peyote queretano”, Lophophora diffusa, es una cactacea endemica de la region semiarida Queretaro-Hidalguense. Las poblaciones de esta especie son mermadas por el saqueo directo de individuos debido a sus supuestas propiedades quimicas y curativas. Ademas, los sitios en donde habita estan sujetos a transformaciones constantes por cambios de uso del suelo. La especie es senalada como amenazada (A) en la nom-059-semarnat-2010, como vulnerable (Vu) en la Lista Roja de la uicn y esta incluida en el Apendice ll de cites. Sin embargo, la asignacion de estas categorias ha sido un tanto subjetiva debido a la carencia de informacion sobre muchos aspectos de la biologia de la especie. En este trabajo se aplico el Metodo de Evaluacion del Riesgo de Extincion de las Especies Silvestres en Mexico (mer) (Anexo I de la nom-059-semarnat-2010) con el fin de justificar la re-categorizacion de L. diffusa como especie en peligro de extincion (P)
  131. C. R. Serrano, “Micropropagation of Cactus Plants (Cactaceae),” in Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues, 1st ed., Global Science Books, 2008, pp. 219–226.
    The micropropagation of cactus has been carried out over three decades of research, where the application of cytokinins and auxins to media culture as well as the use of phylloclades as explants are the two main keys to promote areole activation, growth and development. Most procedures are highly specific and poorly competent. In this chapter we present a brief review on the propagation of cactus plants – mainly of horticulture interest or needed for conservation – by tissue culture. We also attempt to identify innovation in technology and novelties in techniques that would allow for the methodologies to be widely applied to all members of the Cactaceae.
  132. R. Shonle, “Peyote, the Giver of Visions,” American Anthropologist, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 53–75, 1925. doi: 10.1525/aa.1925.27.1.02a00040.
  133. J. H. C. S. Silva, G. A. de Azerêdo, W. de M. Ferreira, and V. C. de Souza, “Water Restriction in Seeds of Cereus Jamacaru DC.,” Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1–7, Jun. 2021. doi: 10.5039/agraria.v16i2a8431.
    Mandacaru (Cereus jamacaru DC.) is a cactus widely found in the Caatinga, with its seeds usually subjected to adverse conditions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of water restriction on germination and vigor of mandacaru seeds by using different salts and osmotic potentials. To that end, we used saline solutions of NaCl, KCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 prepared at the osmotic potentials of 0.0; -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8; -1.0 and -1.2 MPa. Four replicates of 50 seeds per treatment were used, distributed in “gerbox” boxes between blotter paper and under temperature of 25 °C. Counts of the number of germinated seeds were performed daily for 21 days after root protrusion. The variables analyzed were the following: water content (%), germination (%), mean germination time and normal seedlings (%). A completely randomized following the factorial scheme 4 × 7 (salts × osmotic potentials) was employed. Results obtained suggest that mandacaru seeds show the ability to germinate in saline soils, a characteristic found in arid and semi-arid areas. Decreased osmotic potential promoted reductions in germination (%) and vigor of Cereus jamacaru DC seeds. The MgCl2 salt was the one that most negatively affected the germination and initial seedling development.
  134. J. Šnicer, J. Bohata, and V. Myšák, “The Littlest Lophophora,” Cactus and Succulent Journal, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 294–300, Nov. 2009. doi: 10.2985/015.081.0606.
    Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike.
  135. M. K. Steinberg, Ed., Dangerous Harvest: Drug Plants and the Transformation of Indigenous Landscapes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  136. O. C. Stewart, “Origin of the Peyote Religion in The United States,” Plains Anthropologist, vol. 19, no. 65, pp. 211–223, Aug. 1974. doi: 10.1080/2052546.1974.11908677.
    Peyotism in the United States was dependent upon the Peyote cactus, Lophophora williamsii, which has a very limited distribution along the lower Rio Grande River, centered around Laredo, Texas. The Lipan Apache Indians in the vicinity of Laredo,,1760to 1850’s, learned of the properties of Peyote and the ritual for its use from Coahuiltecan-speaking Carrizo and Tonkawa and in turn taught Peyotism to the Comanche and Kiowa.
  137. M. Terry and K. Trout, “Cultivation of Peyote: A Logical and Practical Solution to the Problem of Decreased Availability,” undefined, 2013.
    Current and evolving aspects of the regulatory environment and emerging perceptions regarding the need for U.S. federal regulations that would provide legal certainty for individuals involved in the adoption of cultivation of culturally acceptable peyote on an economically viable commercial scale are summarized. The progress toward and impediments to legally protected cultivation of Lophophora williamsii, commonly known as peyote, are elucidated. Recent increases in the ceremonial and medicinal consumption of peyote are inferred from published data and personal observations of the authors. The conservation-based rationale for peyote cultivation is that the predictable shift in the primary mode of production from the current unsustainable harvesting of wild peyote in habitat to regulated cultivation of peyote, either in situ or under glass, would provide alternative supplies of peyote for current and future use by the Native American Church. Such a change in the principal peyote production system from wildharvesting to cultivation would logically reduce the harvesting pressure on the peyote populations that survive the intense overharvesting inherent in the present system. We summarize current and evolving aspects of the regulatory environment and emerging perceptions regarding the need for U.S. federal regulations that would provide legal certainty for individuals involved in the adoption of cultivation of culturally acceptable peyote on an economically viable commercial scale. Published on-line Phytologia 95(4): 314-320 (Nov. 1, 2013). ISSN 030319430
  138. M. Terry, K. Trout, B. Williams, T. Herrera, and N. Fowler, “Limitations to Natural Production of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae) I. Regrowth and Survivorship Two Years Post Harvest in a South Texas Population,” undefined, 2011.
    Reducing the frequency of harvesting of wild peyote would allow regrowth crowns to mature in size—thus reducing the number of crowns per dose required for sacramental consumption and de-suppress the production of seed for the next generation. Lophophora williamsii (peyote) is a cactus whose crowns are commercially harvested for religious use as an ingested psychoactive sacrament by members of the Native American Church. Over the past quarter century peyote has become progressively less available, due in part to improper harvesting techniques and excessive harvesting. Since anatomical aspects of the regrowth of peyote and best harvesting practices were explicated in a previous study (Terry & Mauseth 2006), the principal focus in the present study was to determine the effects of harvesting where only best practices were employed. We assessed the effects of (1) harvesting per se (a single harvesting event evaluated after two years), (2) repeated harvesting (two harvesting events two years apart), and (3) not harvesting at all. After two years, the once-harvested group had a 90% survival rate and the unharvested control group had a 98% survival rate, a difference that was not statistically significant. The above-ground volume of the unharvested plants was significantly larger than that of the regrown harvested plants. While the regrown harvested plants had on average more crowns, their crowns were significantly smaller, in comparison to those of the unharvested plants. After two years, the surviving plants in the harvested group were divided into two subgroups, one of which was harvested for a second time. The other subgroup consisted of plants that had been harvested only once (at the start of the study) and were not reharvested. The weights of the crowns obtained in the second harvest were significantly lower than the weights of the crowns obtained in the first harvest from the same plants two years earlier. The net effect of a single harvesting was a reduction of plant above-ground volume by almost 80% after two years of regrowth. These data reflect what is occurring on a massive scale in habitat where peyote is commercially harvested. The annual numbers of crowns being harvested have not yet decreased drastically, due to the increased number of crowns produced as regrowth in response to harvesting. But the average size of the crowns in the regulated peyote market has decreased markedly due to too-early harvesting of immature regrowth crowns. These results—with emphasis on the conspicuous reduction in mean size of individuals—are typical of overharvested populations of wild-collected species, such as ginseng. The conclusion for conservation management is that reducing the frequency of harvesting of wild peyote would allow regrowth crowns to mature in size—thus reducing the number of crowns per dose required for sacramental consumption. It would also allow regrowth crowns to mature sexually, which would effectively de-suppress the production of seed for the next generation.
  139. M. Terry, K. Trout, B. Williams, T. Herrera, and N. Fowler, “Limitations to Natural Production of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae) Ii. Effects of Repeated Harvesting at Two-Year Intervals in a South Texas Population,” undefined, 2012.
    Trends and results indicate that present rates of peyote harvest are unsustainable, including harvesting treatments similar to those used to harvest it for legally protected religious use by members of the Native American Church. In 2008 we began a long-term study of the effects of harvesting on a wild population of the cactus Lophophora williamsii (peyote), including harvesting treatments similar to those used to harvest it for legally protected religious use by members of the Native American Church. Here we assess the effects of harvesting in three different treatments: (1) plants that were harvested once, (2) plants that were harvested every two years (typical of commercial harvesting rates), and (3) control plants that were never harvested. After four years, the survival rate was significantly greater in the unharvested control plants (94%) than in the harvested plants (73%). Average harvested mass of fresh tissue per plant decreased significantly (by 44%) between the first and second harvests, and then further decreased significantly (by 32%) between the second and third harvests. The average number of crowns per plant, which increased after the first harvest, decreased after the second harvest. Estimated total volume of the above-ground crown(s) of each plant, which was closely related to harvested plant mass, was used to compare growth rates between treatments. The average growth rate of the multiple-harvest plants was significantly lower than the average growth rates of plants in the other two treatments. Growth rates in the control and single-harvest treatments did not differ significantly in 2012, but because the single-harvest plants were so much smaller than the control plants in 2010, they remained smaller than the control plants in 2012. The annual number of crowns harvested and sold commercially as “buttons” by licensed peyote distributors continued its slow decrease in 2011, while the price per unit continued to rise. These trends and the results of this study all indicate that present rates of peyote harvest are unsustainable. key wordS: cactus conservation, peyote harvest, cactus overharvesting, Native American Church, peyote conservation status
  140. M. Terry, B. Williams, K. Trout, T. Herrera, and N. Fowler, “Limitations to Natural Production of Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae) III. Effects of Repeated Harvesting at Two-Year Intervals for Six Years in a South Texas (U.S.A.) Population,” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 541–550, 2014.
    The results of this study indicate that a six-year recovery period, following the harvesting of peyote in natural habitats, is probably not long enough to ensure long-term sustainability. Here we report the 6-year results of a long-term study of the effects of harvesting on a wild population of the cactus Lophophora williamsii (peyote). Harvesting was performed using the best known technique: removing only the crown from the top of the plant. The two-year interval between harvests was chosen because it was similar to that observed by persons who harvest peyote for legally protected religious use by members of the Native American Church. Plants in the study were divided into three treatment groups: (1) control plants that were never harvested, (2) plants that were harvested only once, at the beginning of the study, and (3) plants that were harvested at the beginning of the study and every two years thereafter. Over the last two years of the study (2012‒2014), the survival rate was significantly lower (77%) in the plants harvested every two years than in the once-harvested plants (100%) and the unharvested control plants (98%). At the end of the 6th year of the study, average volume of living crown tissue per plant was significantly and substantially lower in the plants harvested every two years than in the once-harvested plants and the unharvested controls. The average volume of once-harvested plants was 27% lower than that of the controls, although this latter difference was not statistically significant. The modal number of crowns per plant varied with treatment and over time; in the plants harvested every two years it underwent a progression from 1 to 2 to 3 to 1 in response to successive harvests. The results of this study indicate that a six-year recovery period, following the harvesting of peyote in natural habitats, is probably not long enough to ensure long-term sustainability. key words: cactus conservation, peyote harvest, cactus overharvesting, Native American Church, peyote conservation status
  141. M. Terry and K. Trout, “Regulation of Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii: Cactaceae) in the U.S.A: A Historical Victory of Religion and Politics over Science and Medicine,” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 2017. doi: 10.17348/jbrit.v11.i1.1146.
    The peyote cactus, Lophophora williamsii, is presently classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance in the USA, with an exemption for use as a sacrament in bona fide religious ceremonies of the Native American Church (NAC). Any botanist or other researcher seeking to work with peyote or any of its alkaloids, must com-ply with applicable (nontrivial) regulatory requirements. This paper presents an examination of the prohibition efforts that paved the way for current peyote regulation, accompanied by documentation of the religion-based political origins of such efforts, which involved the "acculturation" of Native Americans (i.e., the destruction of American Indian cultures). We also look at the historical emergence of a nationally organized and coordinated effort by missionaries and other prohibitionists to sell a federal anti-peyote law to Congress, which manifested itself repeatedly over a period of more than fifty years, before finally realizing success in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. In view of ongoing changes in the legal/regulatory status of Cannabis sp. (another Schedule 1 plant that was targeted for illegality during the prohibitionists’ rise to political predominance), we compare and contrast the two plants with speculation on peyote’s future.
  142. M. Terry and J. Mauseth, “Root-Shoot Anatomy and Post-Harvest Vegetative Clonal Development in Lophophora Williamsii (Cactaceae: Cacteae): Implications for Conservation,” undefined, 2006.
    With these new anatomical tools, it is now possible to set up titration experiments, first in the greenhouse and then in the field, to generate practical biometric data to determine the maximum depth at which the peyote harvesters can cut the plants without significantly reducing the survival rate of the rootstocks left in the ground after harvest. Over the last four decades, the size and density of populations of Lophophora williamsii (peyote) have diminished markedly in large areas of South Texas where licensed peyote distributors harvest the cactus for ceremonial use by the Native American Church. Part of the problem lies in the fact that some harvesters are cutting plants too low on the subterranean stem or taproot. That practice precludes the regeneration of new stems and ultimately results in the death of the decapitated plants. To address this problem, we describe the anatomical distinctions between subterranean stem and root in L. williamsii as follows: The stem cortex can be distinguished by the cortical bundles running through the parenchyma, in contrast to the root cortex, which consists of pure parenchyma without cortical bundles. The pith at the center of the stem is pure parenchyma (without xylem) and is readily distinguished from the dilatated metaxylem (with masses of dark-staining metaxylem tracheary elements) occupying the center of the root. With these new anatomical tools, it is now possible to set up titration experiments, first in the greenhouse and then in the field, to generate practical biometric data to determine the maximum depth at which the peyote harvesters can cut the plants without significantly reducing the survival rate of the rootstocks left in the ground after harvest.
  143. M. Terry, “Stalking the Wild Lophophora,” Cactus and Succulent Journal, vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 222–228, Sep. 2008. doi: 10.2985/0007-9367(2008)80[222:STWL]2.0.CO;2.
    Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike.
  144. M. Terry, D. Price, and J. Poole, “A Tale of Two Cacti-the Complex Relationship between Peyote ( Lophophora Williamsii ) and Endangered Star Cactus (Astrophytum Asterias),” undefined, 2007.
    Information from interviews with local residents suggests the existence of many more star cactus populations than have been documented, and the annual take of this endangered cactus approaches the total number of wild specimens known in the U.S. Astrophytum asterias, commonly called star cactus, is a federally listed endangered cactus endemic to the Tamaulipan thornscrub ecoregion of extreme southern Texas, USA, and Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Only three metapopulations totaling less than 4000 plants are presently known in Texas. Star cactus, known locally as “star peyote”, is highly sought by collectors. This small, dome-shaped, spineless, eightribbed cactus is sometimes mistaken for peyote (Lophophora williamsii), which grows in the same or adjacent habitats. Peyote is harvested from native thornscrub habitats in Texas by local Hispanic people and sold to peyoteros, licensed distributors who sell the peyote to Native American Church members. Annual peyote harvests in Texas approach 2,000,000 “buttons” (crowns). Although the peyoteros do not buy star cactus from harvesters, they cultivate star cactus in peyote gardens at their places of business and give star cacti to their customers as lagniappe. If even 0.1% of harvested “peyote” is actually star cactus, the annual take of this endangered cactus approaches the total number of wild specimens known in the U.S. This real but unquantifiable take, together with information from interviews with local residents, suggests the existence of many more star cactus populations than have been documented. ASTROPHYTUM AND LOPHOPHORA – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Astrophytum asterias (Zuccarini) Lemaire (star cactus) is a small, spineless cactus. Each plant usually has a single low, dome-shaped stem that becomes flat or depressed during dry conditions. In the wild, star cactus grows to 7 cm tall and 15 cm in diameter. Plants are green to grayishgreen or goldish-brown, patterned with whitish to yellowish circular scales. Each normally has 8 triangular ribs separated by narrow grooves. The areoles follow a central line down each rib, bearing tufts of short, whitish hairs. The pale yellow flowers with orange-red bases appear in mid-March through May (Fig. 1) (Benson 1982; Damude and Poole 1990). Star cactus was listed as Endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in 1993 due to its few populations and high degree of threat from collecting. It is also listed in the Convention on International Trade in FIGURE 1. Endangered Astrophytum asterias (Star cactus), Starr County, Texas
  145. tv-3, “Lophophora Noob - Soil Recommendations? I Went and Grabbed Some Cheap Cacti/Succulent Stuff for Now but Looking to Order Some Things to Mix My Own. Thinking Pumice or Limestone, Sand, and 2-7-7 Organic Potting Soil.,” r/Lophophora. Feb-2022.
  146. C. L. Vázquez, M. Reyes, and S. G. V. Morales, “Extractos Botánicos Con Potencial Insecticida: Lophophora Williamsii,” undefined, 2018.
    Las propiedades insecticidas de the biznaga Lophophora williamsii en estadio juvenil y adulto sobre las moscas de the fruta Anastrepha obliqua mostraron que no hay diferencia significativa en the efectividad oficial con respecto a la edad of the planta. En el presente estudio se determinaron las propiedades insecticidas de la biznaga Lophophora williamsii en estadio juvenil y adulto sobre las moscas de la fruta Anastrepha obliqua. Para evaluar el efecto insecticida, se realizo una alimentacion bio-ensayo de las moscas con extractos etanolicos de L. williamsii. Los resultados mostraron que no hay diferencia significativa en la efectividad de la biznaga con respecto a la edad de la planta. Los extractos etanolicos mostraron actividad insecticida, en ambos estadios, superiores al 70%.
  147. T. I. Vidican and D. Cachita-Cosma, “Studies Regarding the Influence of Different Wavelengths of Leds Light on Regenerative and Morphogenetic Processes in in Vitro Cultures Of,” vol. 20, no. 4, p. 5, 2010.
    Echinopsis chamaecereus f. lutea is a yellow, ornamental cactus species, which belongs to the group of mutant, chlorophyll-deficient cacti. Their inability to synthesize chlorophyll makes these chlorophylldeficient cacti survive only if they are grafted onto adequate stock which contains chlorophyll. Chlorophylldeficient cacti are multiplied through “in vitro” cloning. With regard to the establishment of an “in vitro” culture of Echinopsis chamaecereus f. lutea, from the parent plant grown in the greenhouse, we sampled 1-cm explants, which were used as stem segments that were inoculated on an aseptic agarose medium with macroelements and Murashige-Skoog FeEDTA (1962), Heller microelements (1953), vitamins – pyridoxine HCl, thyamine HCl, and nicotinic acid (1 mg/l of each) – m-inositol and sucrose, without growth regulators. In the grow room, the tissue cultures were illuminated with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) of different colors (yellow, red, green, blue or white), with a light intensity of 1000 lx. The evolution (rhizogenesis, callogenesis, and caulogenesis) of the in vitro cultures was monitored for 90 days, tracking the differences in reactivity to the different wavelengths of LEDs illumination. Cultures exposed to white light emitted by fluorescent tubes served as the control sample. After 90 days, compared to the differentiation of the control sample exposed to white light from fluorescent tubes, the samples grown in the presence of green or blue LEDs demonstrated statistically significant increases in the growth of the stems; under red or green LEDs illumination, calusogenesis intensified, while under white or yellow LEDs illumination, the rate of development of the stems was not significantly different from the growth of the control samples. Rhizogenesis was not observed in any of the samples.
  148. T. I. Vidican, I. Ardelean, M. Cărbunar, and A. Lazăr, “Study on the Regenerative and Organogenic Capacity of Echinopsis (Zucc.) Chamaecereus f. Lutea in Vitro Cultureon an Addition Medium of a Mixture Formed in Equal Quantities of 3-Indolylbutiric Acid (AIB) and of Benzyladenine (BA).,” Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protectia Mediului, no. 33, pp. 85–92, 2019.
    Cactus with yellow epidermis, Echinopsis chamaecereus f. lutea, is part of the group of chlorophyll-deficient cacti, which occur spontaneously in cultures due to mutations, which are unable to synthesize chlorophyll survive only if they are grafted. In order to establish an in vitro culture of Echinopsis chamaecereus f. Lutea, we took explants represented by minibus (seedlings) from mother plants...
  149. D. Warren-Hammack, “Use of Micropropagation Techniques to Improve Germination Success in Six Species of Cacti,” Thesis, 2019.
    Cacti have been a major contributor to the ecosystem of desert fauna as a constant food source during dry seasons. However, this resource has reached a point of dwindling due to many human interferences. In situ conservative efforts have not been stable enough to maintain the efforts of preserving population genetics. Therefore, in vitro techniques will be required to counter the effects. Following previous studies, micropropagation techniques were analyzed to optimize germination number, time, and rate around three variables; difference in nutrient media, gibberellic acids, and species. Two trials were run at intervals of eight weeks; the second trial a few weeks after the first had ended. Results showed a strong significance in emergence and germination affected by species type for both trials. There were other significant factors including interactions between variables. Overall, this experiment showed overwhelming evidence towards the need to treat species to separate protocols in micropropagation techniques.
  150. H. D. Wilson, “Lophophora Williamsii (Cultivated),” undefined, 2011.
    Lophophora williamsii, Plant (now extinct) with 'buttons' , Family Cactaceae, Subclass Caryophyllidae. Lophophora williamsii, Plant (now extinct) with 'buttons' . Family Cactaceae, Subclass Caryophyllidae. Origin: Cultivated.
  151. B. Zúñiga, G. Malda, and H. Suzán, “Interacciones Planta-Nodriza En Lophophora Diffusa (Cactaceae) En Un Desierto Subtropical de México1,” Biotropica, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 351–356, 2005. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00046.x.
    One of the two species from the genus Lophophora is the false peyote Lophophora diffusa, an endemic cactus species of the xerophytic shrubland at Querétaro, México, considered threatened from illegal extraction due to its hallucinogenic and medicinal properties. We analyzed the spatial distribution of L. diffusa and its association with the locally dominant shrub species with the system SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs). We also studied the principal microclimatic factors (light, temperature, and humidity) beneath the canopy of the possible nurse plant species. The use of SADIE is a new approach to study the mechanisms of spatial distribution. Lophophora diffusa and the shrub species presented an aggregated distribution with patches and gaps, as indicated by the values of Ia= 4.179 for L. diffusa and Ia= 1.660 for the vegetation. Lophophora diffusa was positively associated with the arboreal vegetation, particularly with Larrea tridentata and Acacia sororia, but was negatively associated with Celtis pallida and Myrtillocactus geometrizans. Microclimate evaluation indicated that C. pallida canopy significantly reduced radiation and temperature compared to the other species (L. tridentata, A.sororia y P. laevigata). We had expected L. diffusa to exhibit a positive spatial association with C. pallida; however, the reduction in light availability apparently limited seedling establishment of L. diffusa.