Entada rheedii

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A extremely long African vine that produces large seeds capable of stimulating vivid dreams when consumed.


Seeds of rheedii are sold in online stores (Etsy, eBay) as a source of medicinally important compounds. The long lifetime of seeds, protective seed coat, and distinct features ensure reasonable viability and identity from any source.


media germination temperature °C note reference

Naturally, rheedii seeds are mechanically abraded by sand and rocks on the shore. Alternatively, they can be digested by elephants.[1]

Mechanical abrasion[2] and acid scarification[3] induce water absorption and germination. Soaking seeds in hot (95°C) water or cold water is insufficient for imbibition and does not induce germination.[3]

Soaking intact seeds in acetone for five minutes increased the germination percentage slightly compared to no treatment. Cutting notches into the seed coat dramatically increased germination. Further increases were noted by soaking cut seeds in water for 24 to 72 hours, with the best at 48 hours.[1]

The seeds can remain viable for years.[1]



basal media supplements source target note reference

Cuttings of rheedii root equally well with and without IBA treatment regardless of the season (~55% success rate, average). However, later performance is slightly better when 0.4% IBA pretreatment is used.[1]


Planting density (m-2) inter-row space (cm) intra-row space (cm) note reference

The average height of seedlings of E. rheedii at 6 months after sowing is about 1.5 meters with about 14 leaves and a collar diameter of about 5mm.[1]

Cultivation in suboptimal conditions for four years only produced a spindly climbing vine, not the thick tree-like plants in natural habitats.[2]



product source yield per season (kg/ha) note reference
product source yield per plant note reference



soil type pH C-content % precipitation temperature (°C) altitude (m) note reference


type rate time note reference



fixture type photoperiod illumination note reference




character measurement unit notes reference

The epithet Entada rheedei is used in IPNI. Although the epithet has usually been written rheedii, we adopt rheedei. According to K. Gandhi one of the editors of IPNI, rheedei is derived from Hendrik Adriaan von Rheede tot Draakestein. Although the Dutch ‘Rheede’ is often spelled ‘Rheed’ in English, he did not spell his name Rheed. Sprengel’s use of rheedii is therefore corrected to rheedei (vide Art. 60.7 Ex. 15) (Gandhi pers. comm.).[4]


The plant consists of a distinct tap-root system. The main root attains up to 25-40 cm in length, and 0.3-0.7 cm in diameter, bearing tiny fibrous rootlets.(p. 314)[2]


The main stem reaches up to 3 m height. The stem lower parts are green, more or less cylindrical, solid and flexible, about 0.5 cm in diameter. The stem upper parts are more or less cylindrical with six ridges and dark greyish-brown color.(p. 314)[2]


The leaves are compound, bipinnate. The main axis of the leaf terminates in a bifid tendril. The leaflets are 2 (rarely 3) pairs oppositely arranged on a nearly cylindrical rachis.(p. 314)[2]



The seeds are round disc shaped or elliptically flat, smooth dark brown to black in color and glossy with fine striations. It measures 3-6.5 cm W, 3-7.8 cm L and 0.7-2.5 cm thickness. They have thick and hard seed coats. One hundred seeds weight 2.46 to 3.06 kg.(p. 315)[2]

Seed testa are up to 2mm thick.[1]

SEM images of seed surface.[5]


compound source concentration (mg/g dry weight) note reference
total ash seed 72.5 ± 8.22 species comparison [6]
acid insoluble seed 31.67 ± 2.89 species comparison [6]
water-soluble ash seed 18.33 ± 7.64 species comparison [6]
free amino acids seed 1.17 species comparison [6]
soluble sugar seed 39.64 ± 0.02 species comparison [6]
total oil seed 3.00 ± 0.02 species comparison [6]
free β-sitosterol seed 3.65 ± 0.09 species comparison [6]
free stigmasterol seed ND species comparison [6]
conjugate β-sitosterol seed detected, unquantifiable species comparison [6]
conjugate stigmasterol seed detected, unquantifiable species comparison [6]
tetradecanoic acid seed 0.23 ± 0.03 species comparison [6]
pentadecanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
hexadecanoic acid seed 0.216 ± 0.01 species comparison [6]
7-hexadecanoic acid seed 0.30 ± 0.01 species comparison [6]
9-hexadecanoic acid seed 0.75 ± 0.06 species comparison [6]
9-methyl tetradecanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
14-methyl hexadecanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
heptadecanoid acid seed ND species comparison [6]
9-octadecenoic acid seed 20.39 ± 0.61 species comparison [6]
13-octadecenoic acid seed 0.53 ± 0.10 species comparison [6]
octadecanoic acid seed 8.23 ± 0.21 species comparison [6]
9,12-octadecadienoic acid seed 60.65 ± 0.84 species comparison [6]
9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
11-eicosenoic acid seed 2.09 ± 0.06 species comparison [6]
eicosanoic acid seed 0.157 ± 0.00 species comparison [6]
2-hexyl cyclopropaneoctanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
heptadecanoic acid seed 0.75 ± 0.16 species comparison [6]
10-nonadecanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
2-octyl cyclopropaneoctanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
docosanoic acid seed 4.39 ± 0.11 species comparison [6]
13-docosenoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
tricosanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
nonadecanoic acid seed ND species comparison [6]
Hexadecane seed ND species comparison [6]
Octadecane seed ND species comparison [6]
Nonadecane seed ND species comparison [6]
Docosane seed ND species comparison [6]
Eicosane seed ND species comparison [6]
Phenol,2,4,bis(1,1,dimethylethyl) seed 0.66 ± 0.09 species comparison [6]

Compounds identified in E. rheedii:[7]


  • Pursaethosides A-E
  • Rheediinoside A, B
  • Rheedeiosides A-D
  • Entagenic acid
  • L-Tyrosine O-glucoside
  • Dopamine 3-O-glycoside
  • Entadamide C
  • Entadamide A
  • diolein acid
  • dilinolein acid
  • oleolinolein acid
  • dioleolinolein acid
  • trioleein acid
  • oleodilinolein acid
  • trilinolein acid
  • oleic acid
  • linoleic acid
  • myristic acid
  • palmitic acid
  • stearic acid
  • arachidic acid
  • behenic acid
  • linolenic acid
  • high levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium


  • Epicatechin
  • Liquiritigenin
  • Glabridin
  • 4’-O-methylglabridin
  • Isoliquiritigenin
  • Hispaglabridin A
  • Shinflavanone

Infraspecific Variation





trait improvement status reference


variety description reference



type note reference

History & Society

The leaves are sold in Indian markets to be eaten as vegetable matter. Likewise, the seeds are also sold for decoration.[8] The Monpa people of Tibet consume rheedii seeds after boiling and draining them ten times to minimize their toxicity.[9]

The mahouts of Laos have used rheedii vine decoctions as a topical treatment for skin outbreaks and wounds on elephants.[10]

Work Log

06 May 2023

Moved the rheedii plant outside for the growing season. I wrapped it around a tomato cage for support.

In the process of extracting the vines, I found a hidden infestation of mealybugs. Each leaf was painstakingly wiped clean with 70% isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball.

26 Jan 2023

The rheedii is growing well so far. I estimate it is 12-15 ft long at this point.

It is going to be a pain to untangle come spring. A Redditor asked about using a tomato cage as a trellis. That is a great idea and would have saved me the trouble. I believe these are excellent candidates for wrapping around a cage. The stems are very thin and flexible. Even now the lowest part of my plant’s stem is only about 6mm in diameter and just starting to become woody and inflexible. At a height of 1m, I’d say the stems could be wound in a 7cm diameter circle without damage. The tips at 4+ m can be wrapped around a finger without damage. The tendrils can make 1mm diameter circles. There are very few leaves considering the immense length, so there shouldn’t be any mutual shading problems.

Also, the plant seems to be immune to the spider mites and mealybug problem I’ve been having with the comingling kratom plants.

I fertilized the plant with a slow-release fertilizer (Shultz Bloom Food 12-24-12) last month because it was convenient and on sale. I suspect the high phosphorus is mostly wasted.

07 Oct 2022

We are expecting the first frost here in the next few days. The rheedii has been moved indoors for the winter. It’s on the floor, center-right in this image under the cat.

Some COB grow lights provide dappled illumination.

28 Jul 2022

The rheedii has adapted well to the outdoors. It needs a trellis, but this old clothesline will have to do.

The leaves have acquired an interesting color.

06 Jun 2022

Kratky hydroponics typically doesn’t do as well in the hot June weather. I elected to move the rheedii to a fabric pot with peat:perlite-based potting mix.

The roots look nice.


12 May 2022

Adjusting the rheedii to the outdoor environment.

22 Apr 2022

An example leaf:

07 Apr 2022

A true vine has tendrils that attach to stationary objects to support growth. Anything from other plants to your grow lights.

02 Apr 2022

This thing grows fast!

It has been 39 days since I started this seed and it is already 50cm tall. Since the shoot emerged, it has grown at an average of 5cm per day (2mm per hour)!

The root has yet to penetrate the bottom of the net cup. I anticipate having to cut some of the plastic to make room for the tap root in the future.

27 Mar 2022

The seedling was transferred to LECA with half-strength masterblend nutrients.

25 Mar 2022

The shoot has emerged!

21 Mar 2022

Hairy roots are developing now.

17 Mar 2022

The root has emerged!

10 Mar 2022

The seed has cracked open! Germination is happening!

06 Mar 2022

Trial 2 is progressing well.

I have exchanged the water a couple of times since the last update. The seed now sinks completely in water (it floated at first). I only refilled the beaker to about halfway up the seed this time to allow more aeration.

27 Feb 2022

The trial 2 seed is still soaking. I have exchanged the water twice. I think I will continue soaking until the seed coat splits.

24 Feb 2022

The seed coat around the initial cut has softened enough to be cut with a scalpel. I widened the cut slightly.

22 Feb 2022

Trying again. I’m not taking chances this time with sterilization.

  • washed seed thoroughly with dish soap and a scrubbing pad
  • soak in 70% ethanol for 5 minutes
  • soak in 0.6% sodium hypochlorite + tween 20 (standard mix) for 30 minutes
  • rinse 3x cut a notch into the seed with a heat-sterilized hacksaw
  • rinse
  • soak in water in the germinator at 30°C

02 Jan 2022

I’m going to go with… infected.

So I will try again with a different seed. I think sulfuric acid would be a good thing to try.

26 Dec 2021

The rheedii seed has not done much since soaking. I examined the sanded area and discovered quite an extensive infection.

So I decided to remove the majority of the seed coat and put it back in incubation.

18 Dec 2021

Planted seed in perlite. I am hoping to get a good timelapse.

17 Dec 2021

Exchanged water.

16 Dec 2021

Started one seed. Sanded away the testa until the white cotyledon was exposed. It took longer than I thought it would.

I forgot to disinfect the seed as I wanted to. So I did a quick scrub with some soapy water and bleach.

Put in distilled water to soak for 48 hours.

07 Dec 2021

A few forum posts on rheedii.




11 Sep 2021

Project Created!


  1. Hossain, Md Aktar and Dey, J. and Rahman, Mohammed Abdur, Propagation of Threatened Climber Species Entada Rheedii Spreng. – a Medicinal Plant with Extremely Thick and Hard Seed Coat, Dendrobiology, vol. 85, pp. 92--104, 2021. doi: 10.12657/DENBIO.085.009.
    Notched seeds soaked in water for 48 h showed the fastest seed germination with the highest germination percentages and better seedling growth in terms of plant height, collar diameter, leaf number and total dry mass and the outcomes of these trials will help to enhance the propagation of this valuable medicinal plant species. The study explored propagation techniques of Entada rheedii Spreng., a threatened medicinal climber species with extremely hard seed coat. Propagation trials included both pre-sowing treatments of seeds for germination and clonal propagation by stem cutting. Pre-sowing treatments included (a) soaking of both cut (notched) and uncut (intact) seeds in water for 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h and (b) immersion of intact seeds in 5\% acetone solution for 5 min, 10 min, and 20 min before sowing in germination media in polybags. On the other hand, stem cutting involved treating the summer or autumn cuttings with 0\%, 0.4\%, and 0.8\% IBA solution before rooting in non-mist propagator. Notched seeds soaked in water for 48 h showed the fastest seed germination with the highest germination percentages (73.3) and better seedling growth in terms of plant height, collar diameter, leaf number and total dry mass followed by notched seeds soaked in water for 72 h. The slowest germination and the lowest germination percentage (3.3), as well as the poorest growth performance was for intact seeds without any treatment. The highest rooting percent­age with maximum number of roots (36.6) was obtained from the summer cuttings treated with 0.4\% IBA solution followed by autumn cuttings with 0.8\% IBA and the lowest (43.3\% and 8.3 roots) was for summer cuttings in control. The factors also dictated the survival and growth performance of rooted cuttings in the nursery conditions. The outcomes of these trials i.e., notched seeds soaking in water for 48 h will help to enhance the propagation of this valuable medicinal plant species.
  2. Okba, Mona M. and Soliman, Fathy M. and El Deeb, Kadriya S. and Yousif, Miriam F., Botanical Study, DNA Fingerprinting, Nutritional Values and Certain Proximates of Entada Rheedii Spreng, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 311--329, 2013. url: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306220739_Botanical_study_DNA_fingerprinting_nutritional_values_and_certain_proximates_of_Entada_rheedii_Spreng.
    Entada rheediiSpreng. (Family Fabaceae) seeds are used in Egypt in folk medicine.Macro- and micro-morphological characters of E. rheedii Spreng.seeds imported from India together with that of roots, stems and leaves cultivated in Egypt were presented with the aim of their identification in entire and powdered forms. Cultivation in Egypt gave a climbing plant instead of the huge fruiting trees bordering the Indian Ocean. Plant materials were fixed, freehand sectioned and stained with Safranin. Leaves are compound, bipinnate; their blades exhibit rubiaceous and few ranunculaceous stomata, non-glandular trichomes and dorsiventral mesophyll. The stem upper part is cylindrical with six ridges. The stem has relatively wide pith surrounded by open collateral vascular bundles. Study of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fingerprinting, total seed protein profiling, nutritional value and certain proximates was carried out in order to contribute to the identification of the plant material.A total of 53 different fragments have been recorded in DNA fingerprinting, produced mainly by (A-19) primer, showing 15 bands ranging from 1.337 Kbp to 0.356 Kbp,Eight bands were recorded in seed total protein banding profile of E. rheedii Spreng seed with molecular weights ranging from 52 to 9 KDa.High levels of Glutamic acid and Phenyl alanine amino acids were determined.Moisture, carbohydrates and ash percentages were 7.35, 16.47 and 2.83 respectively. Evaluation of macroelements (Ca, Na, K and P); and microelement (Fe) revealed that potassium (K) and phosphorous (P) occupied the highest positions (1264 and 1240 mg/100 g seeds respectively) among the macroelements, whereas the micro element Iron (Fe) level was 3.3 mg/100 g seeds.
  3. Lungu, S. and Culham, A., Seed and Seedling Morphology of Entada,a Study of Zambian Species, pp. 809--814, 1996. doi: 10.1007/978-94-009-0285-5_106.
    A study of the seeds of Entada Adans. revealed three distinct species and one species group. In contrast, the seedlings of the genus could be identified to species by first leaf morphology. The two sections of Entada growing in Zambia were shown to have distinct patterns of germination: sect. Entada has epigeal germination while sect. Neoentada Brenan has hypogeal germination. Means of identification of these species are described and the taxonomic implications discussed.
  4. Ohashi, Hiroyoshi and Huang, Tseng-Chieng and Ohashi, Kazuaki, Entada (Leguminosae Subfam. Mimosoideae) of Taiwan, Taiwania, vol. 55, pp. 43--53, March 2010. doi: 10.6165/tai.2010.55(1).43.
    The genus Entada (Leguminosae subfam. Mimosoideae) in Taiwan is revised. Two species, Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr. and E. rheedei Spreng. are recognized, of which the former is divided into subsp. phaseoloides and subsp. tonkinensis (Gagnep.) H. Ohashi (new combination). Entada phaseoloides subsp. phaseoloides corresponds to E. koshunensis Hayata \& Kaneh. and E. parvifolia Merr. previously recognized in Taiwan, while E. phaseoloides subsp. tonkinensis is identical with E. phaseoloides as recorded from northern and central Taiwan. Entada formosana Kaneh. is referable to E. rheedei Spreng., which is the correct name for E. pursaetha DC. adopted in previous works in Taiwan. Entada koshunensis Hayata \& Kaneh. is typified. Entada pursaetha var. formosana (Kanehira) F. C. Ho is an illegitimate name.
  5. Lavudi, Harikrishna Naik and Seshagirirao, Kottapalli, Seed Morphology, Protein Profiling and Taxonomic Relationships among Certain Legume-Mimosoid Taxa, Legume Research, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 374--378, June 2018. doi: 10.18805/LR-3878.
    Seed morphology and protein profiles were done for nine taxa of Leguminosae subfamily Mimosoideae, namely Acacia farnesiana, Adenanthera pavonina, Albizia lebbeck, A. saman, Dichrostachys cinerea, Entada rheedii, Mimosa pudica, Parkia biglandulosa and Pithecellobium dulce, using Scanning Electron Microscope and SDS-PAGE analysis. The total protein profile (electrophorogram) revealed the presence or absence of protein bands of molecular weights ranging from 11 to 100 kDa. There were considerable variations in band patterns of the taxa investigated. The phenogram has the nine taxa forming four clusters, corresponding to the four tribes of Mimosoideae. The variations in the seed morphology and biochemical aspects of the taxa were of use in the proper identification, classification and to discuss relationships among the nine Mimosoid taxa.
  6. Hamedi, Azadeh and Sohrabpour, Maryam and Zarshenas, Mohammad M. and Pasdaran, Ardalan, Phytochemical Investigation and Quantitative Analysis of the Fatty Acids and Sterol Compounds of Seven Pharmaceutical Valuable Seeds, Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 475--482, September 2018. doi: 10.2174/1573412913666170707115214.
    Background: This study investigates fatty acids and sterol contents of some seeds used in Asian nutrition culture to prepare functional beverages, foods or fatty acids and sterols source. Objective: Current study presents an overview about some seeds as a valuable source for fatty acids and sterols extraction. Methods: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was employed to quantify fatty acids and sterol contents and compare them to standard components. Different ash values, free amino acids, and soluble sugars were investigated. High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) was employed to detect the components. Inter- and intra-day variations, linearity of the calibration curves, and the CV of accuracy for fatty acids and sterols were generally within the acceptable ranges. Results: The total oil content of the seeds ranged from 0.04\% to 7.39\%, with blue skullcap seed yielding the highest percentage of oil. The stigmasterol and β-sitosterol content of the oils ranged from 1.47 ± 0.03mg/100 g (canary grass seed oil) to 26.20 ± 0.40 mg/100 g (quince seed oil). The major monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-oleic acid-was present in Quercus brantii oil, canary grass, and Crataegus aronia seeds. Linoleic acid was the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in Entada rheedii (60.65 ±0.84\%), canary grass (64.43±0.17\%), and Cydonia oblonga seed oil (63.55 ±1.30\%). Linolenic acid was the major fatty acid in the oil of blue skullcap (90.24 ±0.17\%) and Lallemantia royleana seeds (85.18 ± 3.79\%). Conclusion: Most of the detected seeds, especially Scutellaria lateriflora and L. royleana seeds were rich sources of phytosterols and essential fatty acids.
  7. Tatma, Shambhu S and Soni, Bhoomi P and Fefar, Nidhi R and Jhala, Shailja B and Gadhvi, Krupa V and Shah, Mamta B, Entada Adans, an Ethnopharmacologically Important Genus: A Review, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 90--106, 2021.
    Entada Adans is a genus with pantropical distribution comprising of some gigantic woody climbers with huge fruits. Many species are well documented and used in traditional medicine (Ayurveda) in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, liver disorders, diarrhea, paralysis, and eye diseases. Many of these ethnomedicinal properties have been experimentally proven in different animal models and are compiled in a comprehensive approach in this review. Compounds recorded to be present in different species of the genus mainly include saponins, flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, tannins, triterpenoids, steroids, proteins, and carbohydrates. This study is an effort to collect inclusive scientific data published till March 2020, providing a summarized report on the chemical constituents, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, toxicology, pharmacology, and related therapeutic potential of important species of genus Entada. The present literature study was extensively explored by databases such as Scifinder, books, Google, Google Scholar, Web of science, Science direct, journals, and other literatures. The present review article highlights this genus of endangered species as source of medicinally and nutritionally valued plants by focusing on pharmacological studies that validates their folklore uses. Furthermore, it draws attention for its conservation as it is the need of the hour to utilize different conservational strategies and save this medicinal wealth from extinction. The present piece of writing on genus Entada would be a useful edition to envisage the future line of investigations.
  8. Haokip, L. Lhingkhotin and Panmei, Robert, Lesser-Known Wild Edible Plants Used by Thadou-Kuki Tribe of Indo-Myanmar Region, Manipur, India, Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, vol. 23, no. 8, August 2022. doi: 10.13057/biodiv/d230817.
    Haokip LL, Panmei R. 2022. Lesser-known wild edible plants used by Thadou-Kuki tribe of Indo-Myanmar region, Manipur, India. Biodiversitas 23: 3991-3998. Wild edible plants are overlooked groups of plants which forms an integral part of the culture and tradition of many indigenous communities by providing both nourishment and variety in the diet. The present study is an inventory on the wild edible plants consumed by Thadou-Kuki tribe of Manipur. Field survey was carried out in five villages and three local markets of the district. The survey documented 73 wild edible plants consumed by the Thadou tribe. Except for one species each of Gymnosperm and Pteridophyte, all the species (71) are Angiosperms under 64 genera and 43 families. Most of the edible plants are consumed in cooked vegetable form (45\%) while processed fruits (4\%) is the least mode of consumption. The use of species like Dysoxylum excelsum, Entada rheedii, Eurya acuminata and Erigeron canadensis as vegetables and Meyna spinosa and Physalis alkekengi as fruits is one of the interesting records as these species’ usage is meager among other tribes of the northeastern state. It is found that most of the wild plant resources play a vital role in the nutritional fulfillment, medicine and socio-economic aspects of the Thadou tribe.
  9. Li, Shan and Zhang, Yu and Guo, Yongjie and Yang, Lixin and Wang, Yuhua, Monpa, Memory, and Change: An Ethnobotanical Study of Plant Use in Mêdog County, South-East Tibet, China, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 5, January 2020. doi: 10.1186/s13002-020-0355-7.
    Due to their relative isolation, the previous studies of Monpa plant use were only conducted in north-east India. In October 2013, Mêdog County was no longer remote, thanks to completion of a highway into the county. This study of plant species used by the Monpa had three research objectives. These were (i) to identify and record local names and uses of plants in Mêdog County, (ii) to assess which of these were uses of endemic or near-endemic species within this part of the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, and (iii) to assess how plant uses reflect socio-economic change in Mêdog County?
  10. Dubost, Jean-Marc and Lamxay, Vichith and Krief, Sabrina and Falshaw, Michael and Manithip, Chanthanom and Deharo, Eric, From Plant Selection by Elephants to Human and Veterinary Pharmacopeia of Mahouts in Laos, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 244, pp. 112157, November 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.112157.
    Ethnopharmacological relevance To what extent has animal observation contributed to the development of human pharmacopeias? We approach this question here through the study of mahouts’ knowledge regarding the responses by elephants to their health problems, and the human medicinal uses of plants and the care of domestic animals that result from their observations. Materials and methods 32 mahouts were interviewed in Thongmyxay district and 28\,at the Elephant Conservation Center in the province of Xayabury. Interviews focused on the elephants’ diet, health problems, plant items they consume in particular physiological or pathological contexts and the treatments that mahouts provide them. For each plant mentioned, the part of the plant consumed and mode of preparation and administration if used by mahouts were recorded. Species samples were then collected and later identified by specialists. Results 114 species were recorded as being consumed by elephants during interviews with mahouts and forest outings with them to collect samples. Twenty species were identified as used by elephants in particular pathological conditions or physiological states. According to interviewed mahouts, the consumption of certain plants improves the health of the elephant. We observed clear convergences between the observations interpreted by the mahouts as self-medication behaviour from elephants and their own medicinal practices (for human and veterinary purposes). Conclusion Beyond a mere reproduction of elephant self-medication behaviours observed, the human or veterinary medicinal cares derived from these observations are the result of complex arrangements integrating all available medicinal and conceptual resources into elaborate preparations. We recommend that mahouts' knowledge about traditional medicinal care given to elephants be further compiled, as it could have a beneficial impact on veterinary health care provided in elephant resorts and elephants’ well-being.