Althaea officinalis

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A lovely edible mallow plant that inhabits marshes. The roots were once a source of mucilage used to make a spongey confection that became synonymous with the plant.



Officinalis has weak physical dormancy.

media germination temperature °C note citation
filter paper 50-77% 25 scarification [1]
filter paper 16-41% 20 priming [2]
peat:soil 70:30     establishment [3]
sand     media; priming [4]
soil     media; priming [4]
filter paper     media; priming [4]
filter paper 38-58% 25 priming; inoculation [5]
filter paper 53-81% 20 priming; media [6]
  37-68% 20;20/30 temperature; light [7]

Seeds can be direct-sown in the field or seedlings transplanted.[8]

Soaking seeds in hot water (85°C) for 4 minutes is sufficient to break physical dormancy. Longer times resulted in lower germination and less rigorous seedlings.[1]

The effect of priming with nitrate salts is mixed.[6][4]

In a study of temperature and light response of officinalis, both germination rate and speed were enhanced with a variable temperature regime (20/30°C night/day) compared to continuous 18-20°C. In all cases, light exposure improved the germination rate and speed.[7] However, the study did not test a constant temperature of 30°C (light or dark), therefore the effect in the 20/30°C condition could be solely due to the increased temperature.

[9] [6] [5] [10] [2] [1] [11] [4] [12] [7]



[9] [5] [13] [14]


Planting density (m-2) inter-row space (cm) intra-row space (cm) note reference
4 50 50 location [15]
5 50 40 establishment [8]
8 50 25 transplant; establishment [16]
30 50 6.7 direct sown; establishement [16]
4.8 70 30 variation; improvement [17]

Officinalis can be grown as a one- or two-year crop.[16][8]

[15] [16] [8] [15] [18] [19]



product source yield per season (kg/ha) note reference
product source yield per plant note reference

The location has a dramatic impact on the root yield.[15]

Second-year plants all reached full bloom within two days across two years.[8]

The mass of dry officinalis flowers is about 1/5 the mass of wet flowers.[8]

Seeds can be direct sown in the field. However, transplanted seedlings have a higher flower yield than direct-sown seeds. A temporary polypropylene cover or polytunnel during initial development further increased yields.[8]

In contrast, Dražić et al. report an increased dry root yield per area of more than 250% with direct sown seeds compared to transplanted seedlings. However, the seeds were sown at a density of 3.75 times that of the transplants (30 vs 8 per square meter). This discrepancy is likely the direct cause of the higher yields per area and seems to indicate the opposite of the conclusions of the authors. No details were reported for the production of seedlings.[16]

[15] [20] [21] [8] [3] [22] [23] [24] [18] [19]



[16] [8] [15] [22] [23]


type rate time note reference
NPK 70:25:90 kg/ha pre sowing establishment [8]

[20] [21] [2] [22]



fixture type photoperiod illumination note reference




[25] [11] [26]


character measurement unit notes reference
height 103 (45-164) cm location [15]
side branches 13 (2-23) count location [15]
leaf length 8 (5.4-9.5) cm location [15]
days to maturity 85-114 days establishment [8]
height 131 (117-147) cm variation; improvement [17]

[20] [17] [25] [27] [15] [3] [28]







[11] [28]


compound source concentration (mg/g dry weight) note reference

The quality of the officinalis root can be quickly determined by a root swelling test.[15]

[30] [31] [29] [24] [32]

Infraspecific Variation









trait improvement status citation
root yield variable [17]
plant fat content uniform [17]
starch content uniform [17]
sucrose content uniform [17]
mucus content variable [17]
height uniform [17]



variety description reference
vojvođanski   [17]




type note reference

[17] [14]

History & Society

[30] [31] [33] [34] [32]

Work Log

28 Aug 2023

Harvested a pack of althaea seeds from the garden yesterday. Mixed everything together. Mostly SM and EBS plants. Drying them in the dehydrator without heat right now.

22 Jan 2023

Need about 1 Tbsp officinalis powder per egg white.

1 Tbsps is 12-15 grams of powder. If you make marshmallows once a week, that’s 780 grams per year.

Each plant produces 180-500g fresh weight of roots. If we assume 90% dry weight, that’s 4-5 plants for a year’s worth of mallows. Planting in 50cm × 50cm, that’s only 1 square meter for 4 plants. A higher density (up to 10/m2; 50×20) will probably give a higher yield.

Officinalis is “introduced” in the US.


  1. {Seyyed Alireza Sharif Arani} and {Reza Sadrabadi Haqit} and {Majid Abbaspour}, Different Application Times with Hot Water to Break Seed Dormancy of Althaea officinalis, 2013. url:
    To find the optimal duration of treatment with hot water (85°C) to break seed dormancy of Althaea officinalis, this study was conducted in Physiology Laboratory of Faculty of Science in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad (2013-2014). Scarification with hot water (ranged from 1 to 7 minutes) was performed on the bases of completely randomized design with four replications in a factorial arrangement. First factor was the seed coat (removed or not) and the second factor was the duration of hot water treatment. Studied traits were germination percentage, speed of germination, root length, shoot length, seed vigor and mean daily germination. The results showed the main effect of coat in all traits was significant. Removing seed coat increased the germination traits. The effect of time of treatment with hot water was also significant in all traits. Seed treatment with hot water for four minutes, increased the percentage of seed germination compared to the control. Root and shoot length, seed vigor and mean daily germination of seed treated for four minutes caused a significant increase in these traits. Seed treatments with hot water in longer times caused a tangible decrease in of these traits led to damping off the Althaea officinalis seeds. In all of these traits, the reaction of the seeds without coat was better than the seeds with coat, at the same time. In conclusion seed treatments with hot water for four minutes showed significant effect to break dormancy of Althaea officinalis seeds and treating seed for longer times led to damping off of the seeds.
  2. Rezaie, E Eyshi and Haghighikhah, M and Ghorbani, S and Kafi, M, Effect of Seed Priming on Seed Germination Properties of Two Medicinal Species in the Presence of Salinity, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, vol. 7, no. 18, pp. 1234--1238, May 2013. doi: 10.5897/JMPR12.058.
    Germination properties of two medicinal species including sage (Salvia officinalis L.), and marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis) evaluated under different antioxidant compounds and salinity levels by using a factorial based on completely randomized design with 4 replication at Special Crops Laboratory of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The studied factors for each plant consisted of seed priming at 4 levels including control (distilled water), ascorbic acid (40 mM), gibberlic acid (75 mg/L) and salisilic acid (1.5 mM), and five salinity levels according to electrical conductivity by adding NaCl to distilled water (control, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS/m-1). Results showed that, pretreatment with gibberlic acid improved germination percentage and rate in two species under higher salt concentration. However, increased in salt concentrations sharply declined the germination of both species. Generally, seed priming with gibberlic acid could improve germination and seedling properties of these two species in the presence of high salinity.
  3. Drazic, S. and Glamoclija, Dj and Jevdjovic, R. and Zivanovic, T., Modelling marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) seedling production, Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke, 2010. url:
    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different marshmallow seedling production on its quality, rooting, vigour, development and root yields of plants in the field. Beside the conventional production methods (cold bed and growth in manure hotbed in plastic covered greenhouses) seedlings were grown in containers with a nutritive substratum. The seedling production and planting were performed in two terms: spring and autumn. The results were statistically processed. The study indicates that the seedling production in containers is more reliable (rooting, root yield) compared to other options.
  4. Lekić, Slavoljub and Dražić, Slobodan and Lukić, Magdalena and Jevdjović, Radosav, Testing Marshmallow Seed Germination on Different Substrates (Althaea Officinalis L.), Lekovite sirovine, no. 29, pp. 45--50, 2009. url:
    In this paper the results of the research of marsh-mallow seed germination on three substrates: filter paper, sand and soil are presented. The part of seeds was germinated on the substrate soaked by potassium nitrate (treatment) and the other one was germinated on the non-treated substrate (control). The first count was determined after seven days and total germination was determined twenty days after seed was germinated. The obtained results show that filter paper is more suitable substrate for marsh-mallow research than sand or soil, which is confirmed by the results of the first count and total germination. Potassium nitrate stimulated marsh-mallow seed and increased germination in comparison with the control of all investigated substrates. The highest germination was in the seed treated by potassium nitrate on filter paper substrate. .
  5. StaroviC, M and JoSiC, D and PavloviC, S and DraZiC, S and PoStiC, D and PopoviC, T and StojanoviC, S, The Effect of IAA Producing Bacillus Sp. Q3 Strain on Marshmallow Seed Germination, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 572--577, 2013. url:
    Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) is one of the important medicinal plants in Serbia. one of the bigest problem in growing of marshmallow is poor seeds germination. rhyzospheric bacteria able to produced plant growth stimulating hormones can inpruve seed germinations and decreace seed infections with patogens. iaa production by Bacillus sp. Q3 strain estimate in this investigation ranged from 3.76-10.62 μgml-1. the application of soil bacteria as the antagonists to the growth of pathogenic fungi, indicated that iaa producing Bacillus sp. strain Q3 demonstrated not only a high level of antagonism towards the seed mycoflora, but significantly increased the germination rate of the marshmallow seeds. Soaking marshmarrow seeds for 24 h in the 105 CFU ml-1 of investigated strain Bacillus sp. strain Q3 increased the 55.1\% germination and decreased the percentage of the seed infection by the fungus Alternaria alternata, compared to the control (32\%). Strong increasing percent germination of marshmallow’s seeds from 26.9-55.1\% and decreasing seed infection with phytopathogen Alternaria alternate, as predominant marshmallow seeds pathogen, can recommend this strain for seed protection and as PGPr.
  6. Bayat, M. and Rahmani, A. and Amirnia, R. and Ramezani, M., The effect of priming and duration of priming on germination indices and seedling characteristics of Althaea officinalis L. plant., Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, 2015. url:
    To study the influence of different priming methods (hardening, hydrothermal, hydro priming, KCl2, CaNO3, NaCl, KNO3 and control) and duration of priming (3 and 6 h) on seedling characteristics and germination indices of Althaea officinalis L. seeds, two laboratory and pot experiments carried out separately factorial arrangements based on a completely randomized design in the Agricultural faculty...
  7. Ilieva, {\relax St}. and Petrova, Z., Germination of Althaea Officinalis L. Seeds at Varying Temperature and Light Regimes, Acta Horticulturae, no. 96, pp. 211--220, June 1980. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1980.96.20.
    Investigations on the effect of temperature and light regimes on the course of the germination process, the germination energy and the germination ability of seeds were carried out using five Althaea officinalis L. accessions of various geographic regions /USSR. Czechoslovakia and Japan/. The investigations reveal that all studied accessions placed in Jacobssen's apparatus, at variable temperature /20–30°C/ in the light have best germination ability, highest germination energy and shortest period of germination. Lowest germination energy and germination ability is observed in case the seeds are placed in a thermostat at constant temperature of 20°C in the dark. Seed accessions of Czechoslovakian and Japanes origin possess highest germination energy and germination ability.
  8. Andruszczak, Sylwia, The Influence of the Plantation Establishment Method on the Yield of Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L.) Flowers, Acta Agrobotanica, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 167--172, 2012. doi: 10.5586/aa.2008.023.
    The field experiment with one- and two-year-old marshmallow plants was carried out in Zamość on brown soil of loess origin in 2002-2004. There were four methods of plantation establishment: 1) direct sowing in the field (control object); 2) direct sowing in the field with cover of polypropylene sheet; 3) by seedlings from a plastic house; 4) by seedlings produced in multi-cell propagation trays. It was found that, in the case of one-year-old plants, all the methods of plantation establishment significantly increased the yield and the number of marshmallow flowers, as compared to the control object, but the best results were obtained when the plants were propagated from seedlings produced in multi-cell trays. Taking into account the two-yearold plants, no significant impact of the plantation establishment method on flower yield was found. On average, total yields of flowers varied from 17.2 dt‰ha-1 in the first year of vegetation to 27.8 dt‰ha-1 in the case of the two-year-old plants.
  9. Soghra Younesikelaki, Fatemeh and Hadi Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad and Kiani Desfardi, Mehdi and Banala, Mahitha and Marka, Rajinikanth and Swamy Nanna, Rama, Optimization of Seed Surface Sterilization Method and {\emph{in Vitro}} Seed Germination in {\emph{Althaea Officinalis}} (L.) - An Important Medicinal Herb, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 28, July 2016. doi: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i28/90896.
    Objectives: The species Althaea officinalis is belong to Malvaceae family; its common name is Marshmallow. In this study an efficient technique has been optimized for sterilization of seed surface and also in vitro germination of seeds. Methods: Efect of diferent sterilizing agents with various concentrations and duration times as well as diferent media with various concentrations of sucrose on MGT (mean of germination time), GP (germination percentage), GR (germination rate), NDFG (number of days to first germination), CP (contamination percentage) and length of root and shoot of seedlings were recorded. For each experiment 25 seeds were treated and it was repeated at least three times. Findings: The maximum GP (80.0\%) was recorded in sterilized-distilled water for 20 min (control), whereas minimum GP (44.0\%) was recorded in experiment using 0.3\% mercuric chloride (HgCl2) for 7 min. Between seed surface sterilization techniques used, maximum CP was achieved in control (85.33\%) and minimum was found in 4\% NaOCl (Sodium Hypochlorite), 10 min (13.33\%), 0.3\% HgCl2 for 7 min (14.66\%) and 4\% NaOCl for 5 min (17.33\%). We compared the measured seed germination values (NDFG, MGT, GR, GP and CP) and among seed surface sterilization methods tested, NaOCl, 5 min has been found to be the best in A. officinalis. In addition, presence of sucrose in germination medium has shown negative efect on seed germination measured values as well seedling development. The efect of diferent surface sterilization techniques have no significant efect (p ≤ 0.05) on number of days to first germination (NDFG) but these techniques significantly afected (p ≤ 0.05) the other characteristics of seed sterilization. According to ANOVA results we report for the first time the best sterilization method and medium for in vitro seed germination and seedling development in A. officinalis.
  10. Fatemeh, Asghari and Amir, Soleimani and Ahmad, Abdolzadeh, Evaluation of Culture Substrate on Seed Germination of Marsh Mallow, Althaea Officinalis, no. 2, January 2013. url:
  11. Pavlović, S. and Stojanović, S. and Starović, M., [The first finding of Colletotrichum malvarum on seed of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.)], 2011. url:
  12. Shain, S. S. and Geier, N. I. and Birindzhyan, P. E. and Bondarenko, A. K. and Bondarenko, B. S., Pre-sowing treatment of Althaea officinalis and Ammi visnaga seeds with gibberellin., Pre-sowing treatment of Althaea officinalis and Ammi visnaga seeds with gibberellin., pp. 115--119, 1980. url:
    In spring sowing trials with both species the highest and most uniform field emergence and the best seedling survival were obtained with seeds treated with GA at 700 mg/l for 24 h. The treatment also increased the yield by 10-15\%.
  13. Moalemi, Razieh and Aghdasi, Mahnaz and Ghanati, Faezeh, Induction of Phenolic Compounds Is Affected by Boron Supply in Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L. ) Cells, Progress in Biological Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 68--75, 2012. url:
    Boron (B) is a non-metal micronutrient which is essential for plants growth and development. Formation of boron complex with cell wall matrix and phenolic compounds is a definite influence of boron in physiological process. It has been suggested that B-toxicity and deficiency may induce excess production of reactive oxygen species thereby promote defense responses by antioxidant enzymes or nonenzymatic compounds e. g. phenolics. Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L. ) is a plant whose range of boron requirement has not been reported yet. On the other hand this plant contains valuable flavonoid glycosides, phenolic acids, tannins and flavonoids and has exhibited strong total antioxidant activity as well. The present study was therefore undertaken in order to investigate on the effects of different concentrations of boron on phenolic compounds of suspension-cultured marshmallow cells. The cells were grown in a modified MS medium without glycine and boron was supplied in the form of H3BO3 with the concentrations of 0.1, 0.01, and 1mM as control, deficiency and excess concentrations, respectively. Deficiency and excess boron supply increased the amount of pectin-bound cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, benzoic acid and tannic acid. Boron in 1mM concentration increased H2O2 content of the cells, but had no effect on H2O2 content in deficient concentration, compared to the control group. The flavonoid content of the cells treated with 1 and 0.01 mM B was also higher than of the cell under control condition, but both B- deficiency and excess B led to a similar decrease in anthocyanin content.
  14. Szarvas, P and Kovács, G and Láng, M Molnár and László, M and Fári, M G, Preliminary Results on the Isolation of Polyploid Lines from Malvaceae, 2011.
    Polyploidization experiments were initiated based on three traditional methods involving colchicine treatment on germinating seeds, nodal segments and freshly regenerated shoots (tips). In the first case, where the seeds were germinated on culture medium, covered with colchicine-soaked filter paper in Petri dishes, only morphologically aberrant plantlets were germinated, which could not be further analyzed. In the second case, where nodal shoot segments were directly treated with colchicine, all the segments died or were unable to regenerate shoots. In the third treatment shoots were regenerated from nodal segments. Liquid culture medium supplemented with 0.2\% colchicine was added in such a way that the whole explant was completely immersed, followed by incubation in the dark for a period of 2 or 4 days. Shoot tips of treated shoots were cut, transferred onto fresh culture media and rooted. 30-40\% of the treated shoots survived. New leaf samples were taken from each shoot for flow cytometry measurements to test for polyploidy. Several polyploid shoots were detected, which were planted directly into soil and transferred to the greenhouse for further examination.
  15. Dražić, Slobodan and Prodanović, Slaven and Glamočlija, Djordje and Živanović, Tomislav and {Krivokuća-Djokić}, Dragana, Variability of Traits in the Grown Population of Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L.), Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 31--38, 2010. url:
    Variability of traits in the grown population of marshmallow Vojvođanski was analysed in two locations (Pančevo and Banatski Brestovac) during the two-year period (2008-2009). The following traits were studied: plant height (cm), number of side branches, leaf length (cm), fresh root yield per plant (g) and the number of swellings. The traits of the population were quantified over mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variations, asymmetry (β1) and kurtosis (β2) of the normal frequency distribution curve. Mean difference testing of traits was done by the application the t-test. Significant variations in traits were found, especially for the fresh root yield per plant (CV=43\% and 52\%) and the number of side branches (CV=50\% and 72\%). A very significant difference among trait means was determined for fresh root yield (g). The frequency distribution was symmetric (β1≈0) for the majority of traits except for the fresh root yield and the number of swellings. This points out to the fact that a higher number of plants (samples) had lower values for these traits than the population average (β1{$>$}0). The frequency distribution for all traits was more kurtosis (β2 lt 3), except for the fresh root yield (in the location of Banatski Brestovac) where it was more elongated (β2{$>$}3) than the normal distribution. A significant interdependence (rF=0.73) was established between the stalk height and the number of side branches. The correlation among remaining traits was weak and moderately strong (rF=0.21-0.64). .
  16. Drazic, Slobodan and Majstorovic, Helena and Beatovic, Damir and Ikanovic, Jela and Sudimac, Maja and Bojovic, Radmila, The Effect of Date and Method of Planting Marshmallow Crops on Root Yield and Quality, pp. 290--297, 2014. doi: 10.7251/AGSY1404290D.
    In 2009. and 2010. factorial trials with marshmallow crops were carried out on three localities in Serbia (Municipalities of Nova Pazova, Petrovac na Mlavi and Pančevo). The effect od planting date (spring and autumn) and method (seedling and direct drilling in the field) on root yield and qualitative traits were examined. Trials were set in accordance with planned design, and experimental results were statistically analyzed. Via adequate analytical methods we determined corresponding values for important root quality parameters (plant fibres and fats, ash, phosphorous, starch, total and natural invert sugar and sucrose). Analysis of variance showed significant impact of date and method of planting marshmallow crops on crop yield. Both planting dates showed reliably higher yield of dried root planted in the field using direct drilling method, compared to seedlings. The average yield was 4.015 kg/ha, while usage of seedlings generated 1.575 kg/ha. Date and method of planting marshmallow crops didn’t have significant impact on values of important root quality parameters. Average value was highest for starch (34\%), phosphorous content was 11,4\%, plant fibres 12,3\%, total invert sugar 8,4\%, sucrose 6,9\%, ash 4,16\%, plant fats 2,06\%, while natural invert content was the lowest (1,05\%). These experimental results should be used in future technology designs for planting marshmallow crops in accordance with principles of sustainable agriculture.
  17. Draži, Slobodan B, Еffect of Direct Selection on Productive Traits of Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L.), May 2014. url:
    Breeding goal was to create an improved and homogenous genotype, which will contribute to the stability and higher production, as well as conservation of natural resources. As a source of variability we used selection material which consisted of the collection (ex situ) of marshmallow germplasm. Using the method of direct selection, we created 28 promising clones. Following traits were observed at the selected offspring and standard ("vojvođanski"): plant height (cm), yield of fresh roots per plant (g), plant fats, starch, sucrose and number of swellings. Clones marked with numbers 20, 25 and 26 have achieved reliably higher root yields of 20-27\% compared to the standard. Application of direct selection resulted in a high selection gain for yield of roots per plant. The selection gain was greater at the selection intensity of 5\% than of 10\%.
  18. Andruszczak, S. and J, Wisniewski, Growth and Development of Marshmallow [Althaea Officinalis L.] Depending on the Method of Plantation Establishment, Herba Polonica, vol. 3, no. 53, 2007. url:
    W czteroletnim doświadczeniu polowym badano wpływ sposobu zakładania plantacji (z wysiewu nasion wprost do gruntu - obiekt kontrolny; z wysiewu nasion wprost do gruntu z przykryciem agrowłókniną; z rozsady uzyskanej w tunelu foliowym; z rozsady wyprodu­kowanej w tacach wielokomórkowych w tunelu foliowym) na wzrost i rozwój prawoślazu lekarskiego oraz na zawartość śluzu w korzeniach w pierwszym i drugim roku wegetacji roślin. Stwierdzono, że uprawa z rozsady w pierwszym roku wegetacji przyczyniła się do przyspieszenia tempa wzrostu i rozwoju roślin, a w konsekwencji do wytworzenia większej masy części nadziemnych i korzeni w porównaniu z uprawą z wysiewu nasion wprost do gruntu. Największą wysokością i liczbą pędów, jak również największą masą części nadziemnych i korzeni odznaczały się rośliny uzyskane z rozsady wyprodukowanej w tacach wielokomórkowych. W drugim roku uprawy metoda zakładania plantacji miała niewielki wpływ na wzrost i rozwój roślin. Analizy chemiczne wykazały, iż najwięcej śluzu (niezależnie od wieku roślin) zawierały korzenie pochodzące z uprawy z zastosowaniem agrowłókniny.
  19. Andruszczak, Sylwia and Wiśniewski, Janusz, Influence of the method of plantation establishment on quantity and quality of marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis L.) roots yield, Acta Agrophysica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 291--298, 2006. url:,107762,0,2.html.
    In a three-year experiment located on the brown soil of loess origin the effect of different methods of marsh mallow plantation establishment on the root yield and mucilage content were determined. In the experiment the following methods were compared: direct sowing in the field (control), direct...
  20. Meyghan, Narges and Moradi, Pezhman, The Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Fertilizers on Morphophysiological Properties of Althaea Officinalis, Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 2563--2571, August 2018. doi: 10.30495/ijpp.2018.543509.
    Althaea officinalis hasasignificant role in preventing and treating different diseases. The present study was aimed to assess the effect of N and P fertilizers on leaf, seed, and flower properties in a semi-arid area of Iran. N was applied as NH2CONH at three stages (before cultivating stage, at 4-leaf stage, and before reproductive stage) as 50, 100, and 150 kg/ha. P was used as P2O5 before cultivating in three concentrations as 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha. Results showed that N fertilizer significantly increased plant height, leaf area, and leaf chlorophyll content, whereas P fertilizer only influenced the plant height. For seed properties, mucilage was not influenced by P fertilizer. Nor was 1000 seed weight affected by N fertilizer. P fertilizer significantly increased oil content. In contrast, a 0.5 \% decrease in seed oil was observed in 150 kg/ha with respect to control. All flower properties (phenol, flavonoid, and antioxidant activity) of A. officinalis significantly increased by enhancing N and P concentrations. In most traits, 150 kg/ha N and 90 kg/ha P fertilizers were selected as most effective treatments.
  21. Khorramdel, Surur and Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Azizi, H. and Shabahang, J. and Seyedi, S. M., Evaluation of the Integrated Effect of Organic, Chemical and Biological Fertilizers on Yield of Marshmallow (Althea Officinalis L.) as a Medicinal Plant, Journal Of Agroecology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 603--620, December 2018. doi: 10.22067/jag.v10i3.28104.
    Introduction Medicinal plants have an important role in different industries. So, increasing production of their yields is necessary. Medicinal plants contain phytochemical compounds which have demonstrated bioactive properties. The active principles of the plants are generally secondary metabolites. The use of ecological farming methods, may improve yield and quality. In the last decade, agricultural production, which is mainly based on the use of chemical material, is causing environmental problems. One of the pathways to mitigate this environmental impacts, is to apply the long-term approaches based on the principles of ecological agriculture. Soil microorganisms are the primary metabolites production in the soil can affect the results in the release of phosphorus. Compost can be used as an organic matter in controlling different types of debris and the reduction in fertilizer consumption in agricultural products and mineral absorption elements improve low consumption by plants. Present study aims to investigate the possibility of improving the growth, flower yield, shoot yield, seed yield and yield components of marshmallow as a medicinal plant affected as integrated management of organic, chemical and biological fertilizers. Materials and Methods A field experiment was performed as factorial layout based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at Agricultural Research Station, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, during growing season of 2012-2013. The experimental treatments were all combination of organic and chemical fertilizers in four levels (cow manure (40 ton.ha-1), urban compost (40 ton.ha-1), NPK as chemical fertilizer (114, 18 and 220, 40 kg.ha-1) and control) and inoculation with Thiobacillus and sulphur application in four levels (including inoculation with Thiobacillus, 200 kg.ha-1 sulphur + inoculation with Thiobacillus, 200 kg.ha-1 sulphur and control). plant height, leaf areal indexmax (LAImax), leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, total dry weight, flower, seed yield and yield components such as branch number, capsule number, number seed per capsule and 1000-seed weight and flower, seed and biological yield of marshmallow. To analyze the variance of the experimental data and drawing of diagrams, MSTAT-C 8 and Excel software was used. All the averages were compared according to Duncan’s multiple range test (p≤0.05) Results and Discussion The results showed that the effect of organic, chemical and biological fertilizers were significant (p≤0.01) on plant height, LAImax, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, total dry weight, flower and seed yield, yield components and biological yield of marshmallow. At the end of the growing season, the highest and the lowest LAImax were observed in chemical fertilizer with Thiobacillus +sulphur (12.3) and control (1.3). The maximum flower and seed yields were recorded in chemical fertilizer with Thiobacillus +sulphur (175.33 and 99.91 g.m-2, respectively) and the minimum were obtained in control treatments (32.33 and 9.31 g.m-2, respectively). Flower yield enhanced up to 100\% under chemical, cow manure and compost fertilizers without Thiobacillus +sulphur, Thiobacillus, sulphur compared to control treatment. Flower yield improved up to 106, 89 and 72\% for chemical fertilizer, cow manure and compost application with Thiobacillus +sulphur, respectively. Conclusion According to the results obtained in the present study, organic, chemical and biological fertilizers had significant effects on growth, shoot yield, flower yield, seed yield, biological yield and yield components of marshmallow. Therefore, due to the high pH of soils in agroecosystems, integrated application of sulphur with Thiobacillus inoculation could be considered as an effective approach for soil fertility improvement. organic matter increase soil water holding capacity, improving plant hormone-like activity, increase nutrient uptake by plants, and generally improve the growth and yield of medicinal plant. Acknowledgement This research was funded by Vice Chancellor for Research of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, which is
  22. Jevđović, Radosav and Todorović, Goran and Pavkov, Sava and Kostić, Miroslav and Dražić, Slobodan and Stanković, Slađan, Effects of Irrigation on Yields of the Aboveground Biomass and Roots of Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L.), Lekovite sirovine, no. 29, pp. 29--35, 2009. url:
    The four-replicates trial with the local marshmallow population Vojvođanski was set up according to the randomized complete-block design under conditions of dry land farming and irrigation in two locations (Arilje and Starčevo) during 2007 and 2008. The elementary plot size amounted to 10 m2. The inter-row distance was 50 cm, while the within-row plant distance was 30 cm. Marshmallow nursery plants were produced in the plastic-house and were replanted to the permanent growth place during the third decade of April. Under irrigation conditions, watering with 20 L water m-2 were done each 15 days during the growing period. The following traits of marshmallow were observed: root dry matter yield, number of root swellings and the fresh above ground biomass yield. Obtained results were processed by the 3-factorial analysis of variance. Correlations among studied traits were also observed. Based on the analysis of variance it was determined that locations significantly (p{$<$}0.01) affected all studied traits. Dry root yields and the number of root swellings were higher in Arilje than in Starčevo, while the yield of the fresh above ground biomass of marshmallow was higher in Starčevo. The marshmallow dry root yield at the level of significance (p{$<$}0.05) was higher in 2007 than in 2008. The differences in the number of root swellings and the fresh above ground biomass yields were not significant in dependence on the years of investigation. The yields of the dry root and the fresh above ground biomass of marshmallow were significantly (p{$<$}0.01) higher under conditions of irrigation than under conditions of dry land farming. On the other hand, the number of root swellings of marshmallow was significantly (p{$<$}0.05) higher under conditions of dry land farming than under irrigation. A strong positive (r = 0.81**) correlation was established between dry root yields and fresh above ground biomass yields. A week negative correlation (r = -0.48**) was determined between dry root yields and the number of root swellings, while a moderate negative correlation (r = -0.59**) was recorded between fresh above ground biomass yields and the number of root swellings of marshmallow. .
  23. Babic, M., The effect of cultivation method on the yield and quality of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.)., 2008. url:
    The subject of the experiment were two domestic population of marshmallow originating from Backi Petrovac and Pancevo (Serbia). The experiment was performed using the split-split-plot method with four repetitions, and tested fertilization with different quantities of nitrogen fertilizer (control, 50, 80, and 120 kg N /ha), spacing between plants in row (20, 30, 40 and 50 cm) with the same inter-row spacing of 50 cm, and reproduction (direct sowing in the field, production of seedlings in hotbeds and tranplatation). In case of both varieties, the maximal yield of natural root, raw peeled root and drug were obtained in both years of cultivation on a control plot, that is, on a plot that was not treated with nitrogen fertilizer. The maximum plant density (100,000 plants/ha), gave maximal yield in case of both tested varieties of marshmallow and with all variants of fertilization. During the first year of cultivation, the method of direct sowing has resulted in a significantly higher yield in comparison to the case where transplantation was applied, however that difference disappeared in the second year of cultivation. During the first year of cultivation, the content of mucilage (that is, the number of swellings) was extremely high - over 25, during the second year, it was between 20-25.
  24. Filipovic, V. and Jevdjovic, R. and Glamoclija, Dj, Comparative analysis of yield and quality of two marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis L.) cultivars, Zbornik radova, 2008. url:
    Research conducted on different cultivars of marsh mallow resulted in preliminary results presented in this paper as yields obtained in dry farming conditions. It can be concluded that the whole root showed to have a bigger yield in domestic population Domaci in comparison to the cultivar Alba, for 590.2 kg/ha. The yield of peeled root of domestic population Domaci (5 033.6 kg/ha) was for a 21,2\% higher than the yield of peeled root of cultivar Alba ( 3 967.6 kg/ha). The yield of dry root in domestic population Domaci was ca. 20.2\% higher in comparison to the yield of Alba cultivar. The greater number of root swelling had herbal drug of domestic population Domaci (20.2 ml).
  25. Abramova, L. M. and Karimova, O. A. and Andreeva, I. Z., On the Ecololgy and Biology of Althaea Officinalis L. (Malvaceae) at the Northern Border of Its Range (Republic of Bashkortostan), Contemporary Problems of Ecology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 415--425, July 2013. doi: 10.1134/S199542551304001X.
    Results of 20 cenopopulation (CP) studies for Althaeae officinalis L. (a rare species in the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB)) in the northern border of its habitat are shown. The demographic structure, morphometric parameters, and individual life states are studied; life optima are shown. Most CPs of A. officinalis under study have low density (1–4 individual/m2) and an incomplete ontogenetic spectrum. The vitality type of A. officinalis CP changes from florescent to depressive. Ecological and phenocenotic optima are generally not the same in CPs. Optimal conditions for A. officinalis growth are reed littoral communities at the periphery of Phragmites australis underbrush; in communities disturbed by pasture, a decline in the state of A. officinalis CP is observed.
  26. Pavlović, Snežana and B, Stojšin and D, Stojanović, Mycopopulation of Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L), Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke, vol. 2007, January 2007. doi: 10.2298/ZMSPN0713193P.
    Marshmallow is an important medicinal plant in Serbia. Because of increasing demands on the market, cultivation has been started. Through regular quality control of commercial seeds and plantations, mycopopulation of marshmallow was recorded in the period 2000-2006. Seeds of marshmallow were dominated by Alternaria alternata and species from the genus Fusarium (Fusarium verticillioides, F. proliferatum, F. semitectum, F. oxysporum and F. solani). Species belonging to Fusarium genus are the cause of rot of seeds and roots of marshmallow, causing chlorosis and fading, and therefore deterioration and necrosis of plants, as well as decrease of seed germination of seeds. Leaves and stalks of marshmallow were from time to time under massive attack of Puccinia malvacearum, and that was the reason why leaves were unuseful as a herbal drug. On roots and lower part of the stalks, massive appearance of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a causal agent of the white rot, in cases when marshmallow was cultivated after sunflower, was recorded, too. From other fungi in roots, species belonging to the genus Fusarium (F. oxysporum, F. solani and F. verticillioides) were dominant.
  27. Dehghan, Elham and Baghizadeh, Amin and Dashti, H., Study of Genetic Diversity in Marsh Mallow (Althaea Officinalis) by Using RAPD Markers, January 2011.
    Althaea officinalis is one of the most important medicinal plant contains mucilage. In this study, Genetic diversity 15 accessions of Althaea officinalis, collected from different parts of IRAN, were evaluated using 35 RAPD primers with 10 nucleotides. Only 16 of primers revealed polymorphic patterns between the cultivars and produced a total 1427 bands and 145 loci, with 137 polymorphic bands (o.94.4\%). The primer 398 revealed highest polymorphic loci and polymorphic bands and primers D and UBC19 produced a particularly band in AEs and ARab. Genetic diversity index of the primer 400(0.47) was more than the others.RAPD products were scored for presence (1) or absence (0) of each amplicon evaluated using binary method and then genetic similarity was calculated by employing Jaccard index and cluster analysis was carried out according UPGMA algorithm using NTSYS-pc software. The genetic distance values ranged from 0.369 to 0.638. The lowest distance obtained was found between the cultivars ABaf and ANeg and the highest distance obtained was found between ASa and ATe cultivars. Results showed a good level of genetic diversity among investigated accessions. The results also indicated that RAPD analysis seemed to be best suited for investigation of polymorphic loci and determination of genetic distance among Althaea officinalis accessions.
  28. Plugaru, V. and Stoianov, R., Mass of thousand seeds determined in various species of medicinal and aromatic plants during seed production process in Romania, Analele Statiunii de Cercetari pentru Plante Medicinale si Aromatice, Fundulea (Romania), 1996. url:
    By means of comparing the results obtained at SCPMA Fundulea with those existing in the literature consulted, the fact that 9 of the analysed species possess MMB values superior to those already known has been established. These species are: Althaea officinalis L., Angelica archangelica L., Atropa belladona L., Carthamus tinctorius L., Digitalis lanata Ehrh., Nigella sativa L., Plantago lanceolata L., Thymus vulgaris L., Valeriana officinalis L. Four plants have minor values: Cynara scolymus L., Glycyrrhiza glabra L., Malva glabra Desh., Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. For other three species MMB was determined for the first time in our country: Capsicum annuum L. var cayenne, Glaucium flavum Cr and Tagetes patula L.
  29. Sadighara, Parisa and Gharibi, Soraya and Moghadam Jafari, Amir and Jahed Khaniki, Golamreza and Salari, Samira, The Antioxidant and Flavonoids Contents of Althaea Officinalis L. Flowers Based on Their Color, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 113--117, 2012. url:
    Objective: There has been a growing interest in finding plants with biological active ingredients for medicinal application. , Materials and Methods: Three colors of petals of Althaea officinalis (A. officinalis) flowers, i.e., pink, reddish pink, and white were examined for total antioxidant activity and flavonoids content. , Results: The reddish pink flowers of A. officinalis have more antioxidant activity and the power of antioxidant activity was reddish pink {$>$} pink {$>$} white. , Conclusion: Findings suggest that the dark color can serve as an indicator of antioxidant content of the plant. Flavonoid content was highest in white flower thus this result indicated that flowers with light color can be considered for medicinal uses.
  30. Xue, Tao-Tao and Xu, Hong-Bo and Tang, Zhi-Shu and Duana, Jin-Ao and Liu, Hong-Bo and Shi, Xin-Bo and Song, {and} Zhong-Xing, Progress in Chemical Compositions and Pharmacological Activities of Althaea Officinalis, Medicine Research, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 210002, June 2021. doi: 10.21127/yaoyimr20210002.
    Althaea officinalis (Malvaceae), mainly distributed in Europe and Chin...
  31. Kianitalaei, Alieh and Feyzabadi, Zohre and Hamedi, Shokuhsadat and Qaraaty, Marzieh, Althaea Officinalis in Traditional Medicine and Modern Phytotherapy, Issue S, vol. 9, 2019.
    Althaea (Marshmallow) has been under consumption over the past few centuries to manage some of diseases including fever, eczema, constipation and cough. The aim of this study is to investigate the traditional and modern uses of marshmallow in children and adults. This study was a narrative review, in which the medicinal properties of marshmallow were collected from credible pharmacopeias and therapeutic books of Traditional Medicine (TM). Further, electronic databases including PubMed, Scopus, Magiran, and Web of Science were explored for this purpose. Marshmallow has been prescribed in various forms such as tablet, syrup, gargle, vaginal suppository, vaginal douche, rectal enema, as well as ophthalmic and nasal drop for different diseases by PM scholars. Some of its traditional effects including anti-inflammatory, antitussive, anti-infective, and anti-pyretic properties have been confirmed in new studies. Phytochemical investigations revealed that the whole part of marshmallow contains a mucilage, phenolic acid, scopoletin, and flavonoids. Considering the comparatively extensive uses of marshmallow in traditional medicine and the confirmation of some of these applications in modern medicine, we can examine the other benefits of this plant, especially in pediatric medicine with regards to digestion and fever. It is also possible to find better ways to treat diseases by integrating both traditional and classic medicine.
  32. {Al-Snafi}, Ali Esmail, The Pharmaceutical Importance of Althaea Officinalis and Althaea Rosea: A Review, International Journal of PharmTech Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1378--1385, 2013.
    Two species of the genus Althea (Malvaceae) were grown in Iraq, Althaea officinalis and Althaea rosea. Althaea officinalis contained pectins 11\% , starch 25-35\% , mono-, and di-saccharide, saccharose 10\% , mucilage 5\%, flavonoids (Hypolaetin-8-glucoside, isoquercitrin, kaempferol, caffeic, pcoumaric acid), coumarins, scopoletin, phytosterols, tannins, asparagine and many amino acids. The previous studies showed that Althaea officinalis possessed antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, demulcent, soothing, antittusive and many other pharmacological effects. Althaea rosea contained high molecular weight acidic polysaccharides (1.3 to 1.6 million Dalton) known as mucilages which found in flowers and leaves. These mucilages were composed of glucoronic acid, galacturonic acid, rhamnose and galactose. It also contained proteins, alkaloids flavonoids and minerals. It possessed many pharmacological effects including antimicrobial, cardiovascular, prevention of urolithiasis, antiestrogenic, cytotoxic and immunomodulating effects. The aim of this review is to highlight the chemical constituents and the pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Althaea species grown in Iraq.
  33. Fahamiya, Nazeem and Shiffa, Mohamed and Aslam, Mohd and Muzn, Farzana, Unani Perspective of Khatmi (Althaea Officinalis), Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 357--360, 2016. url:
    Khatmi (Althaea officinalis), commonly known as Marsh Mallow is one of the important medicinal plant used in Unani medicine. Khatmi is a perennial plant with light brown coloured, long and thick root, ovate-cordate, slightly toothed leaves and pale pink or pale purple coloured flowers. Root, leaves, flowers and seeds are mainly used in medicine. All the parts contain mucilage. It is having emmollient, analgesic, astringent, haemostatic, expectorant, luxative, cleansing, demulcent, concoctive, diuretic, emmenagogue, anti-inflammatory and exhilarant properties. In Unani medicine, Khatmi has been used for several centuries to treat inflammatory disorders like metritis, enteritis, mastitis, arthritis, colitis, bronchitis, gastritis, etc. It also has been used for other ailments like catarrh, renal calculai, pityriasis, tremor, dysuria, dysentery, haemoptysis, whooping cough and many more. Though, this plant is used for many varieties of disease, very few actions of this plant have been proven scientifically. Hence, this review will help to conduct scientific studies in unexploited potencial of this plant.
  34. Ulbricht, Catherine and Basch, Ethan and Ulbricht, Catherine and Hammerness, Paul and Vora, Mamta, Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis L.) Monograph, Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 71--81, January 2003. doi: 10.1080/J157v03n03_08.